Enlightened World Meditation Submission Guidelines
Approximately 20 minutes in length (although 10-30 minutes will be considered)
Give your meditation a title
Submit a 100-200 word Description of the meditation
Submit suggested Keywords related to your meditation
The purpose is to step out of the clamor of the day, go inward, rise above, connect with/be infused with Divine Light, energetically come together as a community . . .
Purposeful intention of meditating for awakening and healing of self, humanity, all beings, the planet, Mother Earth, nature . . .
- Speak at a relaxed pace with a calm tone of voice. Allow time and provide space for the experience to encourage mental exhaling and letting go.
Leave participants feeling grounded, stable, and safe
Submit as an MP3 (must be a clean, clear recording)
There is no renumeration for providing meditations, however, each meditation includes a 2-3 sentence Bio and 4 links to social media, products or services you would like promote
Quiet background music is acceptable but not required. Music may be included only if you have express permission and license to use, hold the copyright, or have written and performed the music yourself
By submitting your meditation, you agree to allow Enlightened World Online to use the meditation in our meditation calendar and in meditation compilations made available to our members
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