by Heather Harder

The world is changing and so are we. Understanding these internal and external changes holds the key to a happy well-balanced personal and professional life. Dimensions & the Awakening of the Divine Consciousness: Understanding Earth’s Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimension shares humanity’s journey from their third dimensional beginnings to the 4th dimensional a mindset to the ultimate state of fifth dimensional consciousness. This is the journey from a world of duality to a state of oneness. From a world defined by your five senses to a world defined by love and unity. This journey sounds simple. It is not. It requires courage as you are asked to reprogram your body and mind so that your true self, your soul essence, takes the lead in your life. Don’t let life’s struggles keep you rooted in fear, lack, and limitation. With Dimensions & the Awakening of the Divine Consciousness you will be able to look beyond your own self and become another link in this great experiment we call humanity.

