Aired on January 16, 2020
View 24 Individual and Planetary Healing Sessions with our team of lightworkers, energy healers, Reiki Masters, sound healers and angel channelers. Join us as we combined our energies to amplify these healing sessions.
~ Announcing our next event ~
Day of Healing on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16
From 9:00am – 9:00pm
Deb Goldberg,
Dr. Ruth Anderson,
and Teri Angel
Dr. Ruth Anderson,
and Teri Angel
5:00am PST
8:00am EST
The archangels and angels have led us at Enlightened World Network to create a Day of Healing—That was Yesterday: Healing our Stories.
Come join us for our Opening Celebration to kick off this special experience, our sacred time of healing.
Healing Summit
5:30am PST
8:30am EST
The archangels are leading Enlightened World Network to create a special experience, a sacred time of healing during the Day of Healing! The angels remind us that coming together as a collective in prayer or meditation exponentially strengthens the energy.
Today’s Collective Silent Healing Session joins healers from all over the world for 30 minutes to provide healing and support to individuals across the planet.
6:00am MT
9:00am EST
Experience Chris Cuciurean and Rainbow Energy Healing (REH), a dynamic, palpable, easy-to-use spiritually-based energy healing modality. REH is guided and stewarded by archangels and ascended masters. Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raziel, and Ascended Master Jesus help facilitate the presence of REH.
REH assists in creating an environment for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, balance, and clarity. It helps open chakras, clears and repairs the human energy field (aura), and connects to higher consciousness.
As a profound tool of ascension and spiritual growth, it helps us, as recipients of this energy, to connect to our divine life and soul purpose, and to spiritual beings of higher consciousness, such as angels, archangels, and ascended masters.

7:00am PST
10:00am EST
This is a critical time in human history, a time where we are all being called to embody the purpose we came here to fulfill. It’s all hands-on-deck time, but so many of us are afraid to step into the fullness of our vision and capabilities. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a simple and elegant self-care tool for neutralizing negative emotions. In this session Mira Rubin will use EFT to clear fears around self-expression, visibility and taking ownership of personal power.
Dr. Heather
7:30am PST
10:30am EST
Aligning with Your Greatness – It is time to align and reconnect with your greatest self. Heather Harder intentionally takes us a step back to our original forms as well as forwards, to our future selves. It stimulates remembrance and resets your original DNA so you can do what you came to Earth to do. Projecting this intention into the universe allows you to release all that is holding you back, slowing your path, or interfering with your Divine Perfection. This is “healing” from the heart and allows us to be love. Are you reading and willing?
Healing Summit
8:00am PST
11:00am EST
The archangels and angels remind us that coming together as a collective in prayer or meditation strengthens our energy exponentially.
Our Collective Silent Healing Session joins healers from all over the world for 30 minutes to provide healing and support for the planet. Thank you for helping us build that energy!
8:30am PST
11:30am EST
In this session, psychic medium Aaron Fowler leads us on a healing meditation to send love and compassion to all our brothers and sisters around the world. We also create healing for the planet. Together, we can send love to the people or places that we wish to heal, anywhere in the world.
9:00am PST
12:00pm EST
We can learn how to empower and energize our chakras. Join Stacie Harder for a chakra healing and clearing. She then follows this with a guided meditation on what we want to heal, let go of, and what no longer serves us, enabling us to pull in what we do want in our lives.
Keleena Malnar
and William
and William
9:30am PST
12:30pm EST
In meditation, Keleena Malnar and William Melchizedek connect us to our I AM presence—our divine selves.
“I AM” is the name that is in reference to Mother-Father-God. We are all a fractal of the I AM within our physical bodies. When we are connected to the presence of our source self, it is then that the magic happens.
Joy Ramer
Joy Ramer
10:00am PST
1:00pm EST
In this session, Sommer Joy Ramer guides us from the Garden Of Joy, an embodied empowerment system that brings alignment to the optimal angels, unicorns, and spiritual realms from the inside out.
It is a place etched in the universe made for us—a healing energy bath of joyful medicine that comes from the future realms of Peace On Earth in 2030.
10:30am PST
1:30pm EST
Join us for Peter Katich’s Japanese Zazen, or Si Ply seated meditation. This meditation, based on Zen-Buddhism, emphasizes dropping all intention, ideas of gain, mental formations, and the like.
It invites the ability to see “what is” in the moment without adding anything else. This is a simple awareness of this moment and our mental and physical experience. This meditation is practiced with our eyes open.
11:00am PST
2:00pm EST
Explore a group healing session using Angelic Reiki, a safe, high frequency, multidimensional system of healing. Angelic Reiki works at a Soul level, treating the root cause of any condition, promoting very deep healing and transformation. During a Angelic Reiki treatment, both practitioner and recipient are connected to pure divine energy through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This allows the very high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work on the recipient to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all time.
11:30am PST
2:30pm EST
Join us for a healing meditation called “Relaxing Down Three Lines,” which comes from the tradition of Qigong or Subtle Energy Meditation. In this meditation, you’ll experience soothing liquid light traveling down through your arms, legs, spine, and whole body to initiate a state of deep relaxation and facilitate healing on an energetic and cellular level.
Stephen Altair
12:00pm PST
3:00pm EST
In this meditation on Divine Mother’s Light and Love, Stephen Altair leads us on a journey to the quantum level of our experience through Her Heart. Explore the Universal Field of Energy, Love, and Light which is the Ground of our Being. The imagery of Divine Mother’s energy, love, and light gives us a new template for our consciousness to step into, absorb, and inhabit.
When we experience the love, light, and feeling of connection to Her that is available on an energetic level, we are naturally filled with a sense of awe, wonder, and deep inner peace. We realize “who we are” and “what we are here to do” through Her Love.
Experiencing ourselves as part of this One Love, this One Life in Her that we all share is the Supreme Mode of Being. Joining in this meditation awakens awareness of energy, love, and light in Us All.
1:00pm PST
4:00pm EST
John Fiore demonstrates a heart-focused tapping meditation using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The heart reveals our past experiences in the form of images. When we tap on what the image reveals, it releases the energetic dysfunction, allowing space for new creation.
Teri Angel
Karen Palmer
Karen Palmer
Gratitude Happy Hour
2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST
Experience a live transmission with Archangel Haniel for healing our inner child with self-care and self-love, allowing us to step into self-mastery.
When it comes to self-care and putting our needs first, we can sometimes fall short. Archangel Haniel is here to remind us that self-care isn’t selfish. You MUST take care of YOU before you can be of the highest service to anyone else. Archangel Haniel is a wonderful guide for helping with any old stories, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt.
Remove any negative “labels” you’ve placed on yourself so you can heal deep emotional pain. Create new uplifting, positive labels instead. Move past limiting beliefs around health and wealth that are keeping you from the abundance and love you are meant to have.
Learn what it really means to “Be Yourself” and release your fear of judgment. Learn to let Gratitude be your guide and watch the abundance roll in.
Sue Broome
3:30pm PST
6:30pm EST
Explore with Sue Broome as she presents a combination of modalities in a meditation known as “Healing with the Angels.” Sue follows the guidance of God and the Angels in what she does, showing us how to find our personal “love space.” Use this session over and over again in order to enjoy the blessings of divine and angelic guidance.
Anayah Joi
4:00pm PST
7:00pm EST
Join us as Anayah Joi Holilly and the angels bring forward a guided embrace to help us all move even more fully into self-forgiveness, self-love, and self-nurturing.
JOur angels say that as we release so much else, it is quite easy to forget that we also need to forgive ourselves for what we believe, have been taught, and are afraid that we may have done “wrong.” With their assistance, we can release what we carried through from past life experiences.
4:30pm PST
7:30pm EST
It is time for heart-centered living. We are all healers; through Mother Earth Father Sky meditation, open yourself up to the master healer that you are. Heal yourself, heal others, heal the planet.
Join Rachel Collier Hammond in the healing Mother Earth, Father Sky meditation that was shown to her in a vision lead by the Holy Mother Mary.
This simple meditation, used daily, can teach us how to connect to the Compassionate love of Mother Earth and Conscious light of the Universe, Father Sky. Through guided meditation, we can experience the two highest vibration energies of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
As the two energies become one within the self, begin to experience all the love and wisdom that the universe, as well as the world, has for us. From a new understanding that love must start within the self, without judgment, we can learn to expand our energies for healing, as well as for protection, and for the manifestation of the highest good of everything on Planet Earth.