September 1 – October 1, 2019
Hosted by Dr. Ruth Anderson
Have you ever asked yourself these questions:
How can I use divine guidance to survive and thrive through life’s difficult challenges?
How can I find and step into my soul’s calling?
How can I incorporate feminine wisdom and spirituality into my everyday life?
How can I receive and interpret divinely inspired guidance?
Great! We all did too!
And eventually, we received the answers. We would love to help you discover those answers as well.
How would your life be different if you had answers to these questions?
Archangel Michael asked us to help women like you discover the answers to these and other life altering questions.
He asked us to create a free online summit of women who overcame life challenges, doubts, and fears by connecting with their higher guidance and Spirit. He asked us to share what it’s really like for women who are walking the walk and stepping up as leaders in spiritual transformation. And guess what, it isn’t always easy.
He asked. We listened and here it is!
Enlightened Women ~ Enlightened You is a spirit-inspired, spirit-led summit of women
who are on spiritual journeys, just like you. They’ll be sharing practical wisdom
so you can access divine guidance, healing, and a blueprint for more sacred living.
Who are these women?
Archangel Michael handpicked these women to share their inspirational stories.
We use the power of their messages to discover more
joy, creation, connection,
divine guidance, love, empathy,
hope and faith
We still have questions. We aren’t finished learning. We are
Real Women
Living Real Lives
Walking in Spirit
If this sounds like your kind of Summit, then
Welcome home
Take our hands
Let us walk beside you on your journey
Enjoy 31derful days of inspirational videos! Each day, meet another heart-centered woman who shares her life lessons from a place of vulnerability.
Watch as they describe combining body, mind, and soul to fulfill their life’s calling.
Join us and
*step onto your spiritual path
*find your soul’s calling
*reach your full spiritual potential
*join our community of like-minded women
Each Video Tells a Story. Some Samples Include
Debbie Goldberg, a retired Jewish psychotherapist, describes how a visit from Jesus set her on a path as a spiritual teacher and guide that she could never have imagined.
Linda Dierks describes how Spirit met her amid debilitating depression and life-threatening illness, transforming her physical and mental health. Linda embraced a soul’s calling of a messenger of self-empowerment, joy, and wellness.
Sylvia Ferrero describes how embracing her higher self and connecting with Spirit helped her deal with two near-death experiences, addiction, and contemplating ending her life. It is through these experiences that she began to connect to the angels, giving her the deep confidence to become a fitness host, lifestyle transformation specialist, and creator of Body Soul Reboot.
Pamela Olivia Brown shares how she followed a trail of “spiritual breadcrumbs” that led her from a dark night of the soul and to life-changing events. She describes how, despite arguing with her guides, she went from being an overwhelmed empath and bloomed into a spiritual teacher and healing medium.
Mira Rubin explores how to find your soul’s calling. She describes how her profound heartbreak about the environment led her on her life’s path of actively creating a new, sustainable world.
Karen Palmer, a survivor of domestic abuse, reveals how she became a spiritual activist for compassion, co-creating with the angels to help end violence and poverty.
Meet Our Speakers
Dr. Ruth Anderson
Summit Host
Light Conduit
Spirit Mentor
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Dr. Ruth Anderson is an award-winning, international best-selling author and founder of Enlightened World. Retired after a satisfying and worthwhile career in special education and public school administration, Ruth embraced her second calling, that of an author and spiritual counselor. After becoming a Reverend of the Church of Inner Light, she was given a ministry to witness and participate in the healing of souls with and without bodies in the ethereal realm called Open Clinic. Ruth serves as a conduit for the Spiritual Divinity and shares their teachings in an authentic and open manner.
Author of One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic, Walking with Spirit: Divine Illuminations on Life, Death and Beyond, and Listening to Light: Love Letters from Walking with Spirit, Ruth is passionate about sharing her experiences with the Spiritual Divinity and Divine Healing Beings.
Believing that lightworkers are often isolated and distracted from sharing their gifts, Ruth was inspired to create Enlightened World. Enlightened World Online and Enlightened World Network serve to support lightworkers in building their professional visibility so they can get back to sharing their talents with the world, at a time when it is desperately needed.
Website: The Ministry Online.
Facebook: The Ministry Online.
Debbie N. Goldberg
Messenger of
God’s Hope,
Love & Light
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Debbie N. Goldberg is a retired psychotherapist who practiced for eighteen years providing treatment for mental health and substance abuse. She has worked in a variety of settings and is now in private practice as a Spiritual Teacher. She was Spiritually awakened by Jesus and taught God’s Universal Divine Love, Wisdom, and Higher Consciousness.
These conversations transformed her life and set her on a course of self-discovery and healing through Divine introspection with Jesus and God. She uses the term ‘God’ to describe the source or Creator of Consciousness, the energy of unconditional Love in this universe. Through guided meditation practice, God has taught her that there is a direct link to our Creator, and she is to teach others to connect within and how to receive God.
Debbie believes that you cannot heal, understand your True identity or your journey without the Love and Truth that comes from a one on one intimate relationship with God. This ultimately leads you to your Divine calling. Her priority is connecting people to the Divine relationship of Oneness within, as this ends the faulty belief of separation from God that creates pain and suffering.
To fulfill her Divine purpose, she has written a three-volume book series called ‘Creating A Life Worth Living,’ first edition, for the Spiritual beginner and ‘A Divinely Ordered Life,’ second edition, for the more advanced seeker. Jesus dictated these books to her. She has collaborated and written a chapter in a book called ‘Inspired Health Journeys’ with nine other seasoned Health Coaches.
Debbie is also a podcast host on AngelHeartRadio.com, helping others understand the journey of Divine support, self-discovery, and wisdom. She brings the Divine knowledge and experience of her own awakening into her work to inspire healing, love, joy, purpose and creativity to each of us as we work through our own journey Home.
Website: Debbiengoldberg.com
Podcast: Angelheartradio.com
Sheri Leigh Meyers
Inspired Angel
Creator & Host
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Inspirational Content Creator Sheri Leigh Myers hosts “How to Connect with Angels” podcast, conducting interviews with authors, channels, religious leaders, therapists and healers all over the world who work with the Angelic realm. The podcast embodies and explores the message, “Angels are Everywhere.” It is with this same intent that Sheri Leigh Myers and Sheridan Film Company have created My Angel Prayer on Alexa. The Skill offers thirty-second prayers created and spoken by Angel Practitioners from around the world. We urge you to try it; taking less than a minute to listen can shift your entire day. Sue Ellis-Saller is one of our Hosts! My Angel Prayer on Alexa: amzn.to/2wfLkDq
Website: Myangelprayer.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/howtoconnectwithangelspodcast/
Rebecca Hall Gruyter
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She is an award-winning #1 International Best Selling Author multiple times over… published in over 5 magazines and over 20 books to date plus 3 more to be released in 2019 and 3 more in 2020. A popular Talk Radio Show Host/producer, dynamic TV show host/producer, Creator of the Women’s Empowerment Conference Series, and an in-demand guest expert and speaker.
Rebecca has been recognized by CBS, ABC, Fox, and NBC as a Top Professional in the area of Purpose Driven Entrepreneurship. With a promotional reach of over 10 million, she is committed to helping you reach more people around the world as you step into a place of Influence! Remember, what the world needs is more of YOU! Rebecca wants to help you be seen, heard, and SHINE!
Website: YourPurposeDrivenPractice.com
Facebook: RebeccaHallGruyter
Dogs & Owners
With Love
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In a world where success is ephemeral and dedication increasingly rare, Kristy’s career is remarkable for both its duration as well as in the number
of human and canine lives touched. She has spent over two decades bringing togetherness and understanding to more than 10,000 human and canine families all over the world, and her expertise has been duly recognized by the international community and dog lovers worldwide.
She is a two time best-selling international author, and is highly sought after as a motivational speaker, celebrity dog trainer and life coach for
her revolutionary method of communicating with humans and canines in a mindful way. This has placed her at the forefront of the industry, and she is consistent, compassionate and knowledgeable while revolutionizing the industry.
She is a firm believer in the use of energy, body language and self-awareness to help understanding between people and their canine
companions and thus further a life-long harmonious and dynamic relationship.
Website: kristybright.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/KristyBrightTrainer/
An Empowering
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Linda Patten is the founder of Dare2Lead with Linda, international speaker, and best-selling author, talk radio show host on the VoiceAmerica (now syndicated), leadership expert, mentor, and trainer. Her life’s work is challenging women to dare to lead: whether it is for navigating the often-daunting entrepreneurial world, building strong teams for a thriving business, stepping out of the shadows into the light as a leader of one’s life, or learning the leadership skills that will grow the seeds of change into a world-level movement.
With 40 years of leadership experience spanning the military (including protocol officer to a 4-star general), corporate, and entrepreneurial arenas, Linda is uniquely qualified to guide women on their journey of self-discovery, skills development, and a charted course toward becoming an extraordinary leader. Her books, The Art of Herding Cats: Leading Teams of Leaders and No One Stood Up When I Entered the Room: One Woman’s Journey from Command to True Leadership and programs including “Awaken the Leader,” are rooted in her heartfelt vision to empower women to step out, step up, and step into the kind of leadership that creates positive change in the world.
Linda is a gifted communicator who is regularly featured live and online on business panels, interviewed as a leadership expert, and as a popular speaker and seminar leader on topics related to women in business and leadership. She holds an MBA in Organizational Behavior and Leadership, a Certificate in Meeting Management, as well as leadership positions in numerous professional management associations and women’s business networking groups.
Website: dare2leadwithlinda.com
Facebook page(s): facebook.com/dare2leadwithlinda; facebook.com/linda.patten.311
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Anümani is based in Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania. She is the author of the international bestselling book, Unmasking Your Soul, and contributing author to the award-winning book, Pebbles in the Pond (Wave 4). To find out more about Anümani, visit www.AnumaniSpeaks.com.
Website: AnumaniSpeaks.com
Love Warrior
Soul Explorer
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Websites: Oliviagroup.com OliviaPR.com
Facebook page: Facebook.com/LoveMakeItYourBusiness/
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She loves teaching others how to connect with their Loved Ones through her book, Signs From Your Loved Ones and her courses: “Memories Shared with your Loved Ones” and “Channel Writing with Mom.” Our Loved Ones want to connect with us.
Sue works with groups for workshops, individuals in private healing sessions and continues to create online courses and products. Sessions are available through phone, email, or Skype.
Sue created The Desert Speaks oracle deck which can be used for inspiration and readings, for yourself and others. Her latest book, The Experience Book, 21 Days of Beautiful Experiences from the Angels, will allow so many to be filled with joy, love, peace and harmony, as the Angels remind us so often.
No matter how you work with Sue, she is teaching you the tools you need, for your spiritual journey. This is truly one of her passions.
Website: SueBroome.com / Empowerment4You.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/Empowerment4You/
Mental Health
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Linda Dierks is a best-selling author, speaker, and blogger blazing new trails teaching self-empowered joy and wellness.
Finding the source of core healing became her life’s mission when breast cancer left her debilitated, depressed, and beyond the reach of conventional medicine. After studying leading-edge wellness philosophies, alternative healing modalities, the mechanics of energy, and mind- management practices, she blended science and higher awareness to create lasting emotional and physical health. She describes the catalyst and source of much of her insight as coming from, “A higher force, like a gentle palm in the small of my back.”
Linda is a fifth-generation Vermont native who divides her time between Vermont and southern California. She finds personal rejuvenation in hiking, sculling, yoga, writing, and spending time in the vibrant Green Mountains of Vermont and the quiet stillness of the southern California desert. Her book, Quiet Mind: How to Create Freedom from Depression and Anxiety, can be found on Amazon.
Blog: spinstrawtogoldnow.com
Ivana Vozzo Morano
Angelic Realm
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She began her spiritual journey five years ago with the passing of her beloved sister, Anna Vozzo. Anna played an important part in Ivana’s life; she was her big sister, mentor, and motivator. It was at this time when she became aware of her gift- Clairsentience and continues to work with the angelic realm delivering messages to those that are in need. The grieving process was and still is challenging for her, but she can find comfort in knowing that she is helping others through her group page.
When she is not posting or doing Angel Card readings, Ivana is a wife and mother of three boys. She continues to keep herself educated in every possible way and continues to grow spiritually. She is a teacher, a Certified Angel Card Reader, an Angelic Life Coach, a Magnified Healer, and Reiki Practitioner/Master. Her goal is to become an author someday and create a personal oracle deck to help others get their own personal messages from the angels.
Facebook: Facebook.com/ivana.vozzomorano
Facebook: “Angelic Healing & Readings”: facebook.com/Angelic-Healing-Readings-554443164699462/
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Website: StacieHarder.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/stacie.harder
Dr. Heather Harder
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Dr. Heather Harder a leading authority on personal, professional and planetary transformation. She offers a unique blend of academic knowledge and spiritual wisdom. She is a prolific and popular author as well as an award-winning university professor, professional speaker, consultant, business leader, and spiritual activist she is recognized for her unique ability to assess, articulate, and act as a catalyst for change. Her work empowers people and organizations to recognize and release limitations in order to achieve improved performance and fulfill their spiritual destiny. Dr. Harder has been featured on hundreds of radio and TV shows across the country on such networks as CNN, CSPAN, MTV, NBC and CBS. She has been a featured guest on hundreds of radio shows including the popular “Coast-to-Coast”multiple times. Check her out at www.heatherharder.com for a special bonus.
Website: heatherharder.com
Pamela Olivia Brown
Healing Medium
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Pamela Olivia Brown is a spiritual teacher and spirit & healing medium. She connects to departed friends and family, spiritual teachers, and the angelic realms through divination and artistic pursuits. Pamela teaches personal and spiritual development courses at her online school, Cosmic University. Her certifications include Professional Intuitive, Angelic Life Coach, and Reiki Master Teacher. To learn about Pamela, her services and classes, or to just say hello, please visit pamelaobrown.com.
Website: pamelaobrown.wordpress.com
Facebook: facebook.com/pamelaoliviabrown
Dr. Nancy Tarr Hart
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Nancy Tarr Hart, Ph.D., has a wide and varied history of personal and professional experience with a career that encompasses working 40+ years in the worlds of business, education, and theatre.
An intuitive and mystic, the understanding of her spiritual gifts fully ignited in 1995, and in 1999 she was guided to enroll in a part-time program for adult students at the Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) from which, in 2005, she earned a BA in the double majors of Philosophy and Religious Studies, summa cum laude.
She continued on her Spirit/Sophia-guided academic journey, and in 2013 was awarded a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Lampeter, Wales, UK. Currently, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at NDMU, her Ph.D. and research interests lie in feminist theory, systematic theology, the Divine Feminine, and Marian studies.
She authored Volume 1 of this series, Beyond the Veil: Unmasking the Feminine, and Volume II, Unraveling the Mystery of Mary. and is one of the contributors to Empowering YOU, Transforming Lives (compiled by Rebecca Hall Gruyter). Also, an ardent fiber artist who enjoys traveling, reading, writing, and gardening, Dr. Tarr Hart shares her home with her cats, Kali and Bastet.
Website: Walkinginwisdom.life

Keleena Malnar
Love & Light
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Keleena Malnar – Short Bio
Keleena’s purpose as a Wayshower and spiritual teacher in service is to teach and guide humanity through their ascension process. Speaking all of the Universal Light Languages (the language of love), Keleena is a key code activator here to activate all souls through their DNA at a cellular level, collectively or privately for each individual’s specific needs.
As a way shower for ascension, she helps move you from the conditioned ego to the sacred heart to merge with the sacred masculine mind in divine union activating your sacred voice.
She guides you to live passionately as your authentic self, from your Sacred Heart, in your highest truth, wisdom, and grace.
Keleena helps elicit clients’ natural healing abilities for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physiological healing. Her guides have given her the title of a Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healer and refer to her as “One who knows the Power of the Heart.”
As a High Priestess of Isis, she is an initiator and activator of the Sisters of the Rose of the Order of the Magdalene. Her healing modalities and abilities have all come through her embodiment of whom she has been in past lives. She conducts what she refers to as Isis healing.
Her collective work is to assist all gods children in their ascension process by moving them from their deepest fears into love.
Some of her other abilities are as a Trance Medium Channeler with the gift of all six senses. She is also a Reiki Master & Teacher, Shamanic sound healer through light language vibrations in vocalization, psychic, a clear, pure conduit and channel for Source and feels her abilities are unlimited. She conducts workshops and retreats on ascension, sacred heart, and light language. She is also a spiritual intuitive energy artist, a writer of divine guidance, poetry, prose, and inspirational quotes, and loves spiritual photography.
Keleena has vowed to use her gifts in the highest honor, love, and light for all from her pure heart. Her greatest desire is to see all people collectively stand in unity, love, compassion, and in the Oneness that we all are.
Website: Keleenamalnar.com
Facebook: @Keleena Malnar
Joyful Spark
of Gratitude
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“Without your dark, you wouldn’t know your spark.” I am Debbie Garcia and my favorite thing in this world to spark the G-vibe (that’s the gratitude vibration for you newbies) I am that I am! I am on this planet to bring forward to tools that I’ve learned along this adventure we call life.
This beautiful, glorious messy adventure that requires a new perspective almost on a daily basis. My favorite part of life is teaching and learning new ways to spark the gvibe. Looking at new ways to improve and move forward in love.
This is for yourself first; which is “Self-First,” not selfish, so you can show up for others and be truly whom we were put on this earth to be. All of this is based on my opinion, from my experience and my current perspective, which may change in a nanosecond. What you will find are my personal expressions, opinions, and what’s worked for me.
I am opening up my practice of gratitude intelligence to the world to teach how to apply it along with emotional intelligence. If what you’re doing isn’t working, it is safe to consider it may be time to gain a new perspective with the use of some different tools.
It’s all in the gratitude moments.
Website: www.angelspeakers.com
No Judgment
Just Love
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ShaRon Rea is a Champion for Outstanding Family Relationships, Author, Speaker and owner of The Whole Family Coaching. She is a compassionate woman with a strong business background that encompasses more than 30 years’ experience in the fields of communication, education, childcare, and public service.
ShaRon is an expert in parenting solutions for parents raising teens, co-parenting after divorce, single fathers and every caregiver committed to raising happy, well-adjusted children of any age. Her joy and purpose at The Whole Family Coaching is to educate and inspire parents, children and adults to live together with love, respect and cooperation. She provides tools to achieve “family wholeness” by combining evidence-based curriculum with real life effective relationship and communication skills. Her formula for success: Positive Family Relationships Begin With You.™
ShaRon is also founder of the global movement – No Judgment. Just Love.®. She invites each of us to live together in peace, with less judgment and more respect for different beliefs and opinions, because everyone is valuable and deserves to experience love without judgment.
Website: Thewholefamilycoaching.com
Website: Nojudgmentjustlove.com

Sacred Sound
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Website: Niobeweaver.com/
Facebook: Facebook.com/songlightniobeweaver

Sommer Joy Ramer
Invitation to
Garden Of Joy
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Sommer has achieved self-mastery in Nia Technique as a Nia Black Belt Teacher where she continues to support individuals, and communities to align with their highest calling and embodied compassionate being. She brings Nia into ecstatic healing authentic community experiences through the medium of Dance Arts, Healing Arts and Martial Arts. Sommer Joy Ramer dedicates her multi dimensional life, actions and energy to optimal beauty for future generations of all sentient beings.
Website: Compassiongames.org/who-we-are/
Garden Of Joy FB Group Community: Facebook.com
Fitness Host
Ease In Motion
Grace Embodied
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Sylvia Ferrero is a two-time World Champion Fitness Athlete and a Tri-Fit Hall of Fame inductee. As an elite athlete, celebrity personal trainer and wellness coach to sports pros for almost two decades, Sylvia has built an arsenal of leading-edge fitness expertise, understanding how to hardwire results quickly.
As the survivor of two near-fatal car accidents, and overcoming several concussions over the course of her lifetime, Sylvia has had the rare fortune of embarking on a profound personal exploration into the body and brain’s astounding regenerative capabilities.
Fitness Host | Lifestyle Transformation Specialist | Creator of Body Soul Reboot
Website: SylviaFerrero.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/sylvia.ferrero1

Deep Insight
Solid Guidance
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Mira Rubin is a visionary with a calling to shape a world that works. An epiphany in November of 2017 led to the start of the Sustainability Now podcast, a global movement of creative changemakers sharing information and implementing cutting edge solutions to planetary problems related to food, energy, housing, water, waste, economics, health and consciousness.
Consciousness is key, Trained in NLP, hypnosis and applied kinesiology, in 1987 Mira developed Core Connection, a transformational modality that she integrates in her work with coaching clients to affect profound, rapid and lasting change.
With wit, authenticity and wisdom, Mira employs her extensive training and life experience to empower her clients and her audience to embrace their uniqueness, own their challenges as a path to their gifts, and to inspire them to rise to their greatness by shining and sharing their unique light.
A rare combination of techie nerd, educator, entrepreneur and artist, Mira spent the 18 years prior to Sustainability Now teaching the design and development of interactive, e-Learning, print and web content for her training center, Mira Images, Inc. During that time, she did technical writing, spoke at multiple professional conferences and authored two highly acclaimed texts.
Website: SustainabilityNow.global
Facebook: @MiraRubinRise / @OurSustainabilityNow
Anayah Joi Holilly
Angel Love
You Matter
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These paths have helped reveal to her the bedrock of joy, peace, inspiration, divine love and her own divine personal connection, all which were already within her, and how to live with, and through it all to embrace (more and more) her own divine nature, which she believes to be the core of every human being.
Anayah is the creator of Angel Light 777 a non-denominational gathering place where she shares the angels love, resources, support and wisdom, the founder, radio host, and executive producer of Angel Heart Radio, certified Angel Intuitive with advanced training, self-love advocate, and soon to be published contributing author in the 1000 Ripple Effects project, and in her upcoming book with the angels, THE ANGEL CODE – Journey Into The Words Whispered to Me.
Anayah is passionate about helping others feel their own ever-present connection with the angels,in ways that are meaningful to them.
Website: Angel Light777
Facebook: Facebook.com/AngelHeartRadio
Rebecca Abraxas
Sound Healer
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Rebecca Abraxas is a practicing Holy Fire 3 and Holy Fire 3 Karuna Reiki Master and vocal sound healer. For the past 25 years, she has been a wellness practitioner who coaches and inspires people to be the best version of themselves through a variety of modalities. Rebecca also has spent many years as a positive musician and performer. Using her music background, Rebecca has found that music and end of life work to be very complimentary. It has led her to work with Health care seniors for the past 20 years. In her most recent role as an Arbonne Consultant, she weaves her wellness and coaching background into helping people find health inside and out. All these hats have been deeply guided and supported through Rebecca’s spiritual practice over the years with her deep connection to source, yoga, and Reiki.
Website: rebeccaabraxas.com
Facebook: Reiki and Voice
Kindness Queen
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Karen Palmer is a successful Non-Profit Business Leader, On-line Talk Show Host, Best-Selling Author, a Self-Worth/Visibility Coach, Game Designer, an Animal and Angel Communicator, Spiritual Medium, as well as a Kundalini Yoga and Mindfulness/Meditation Instructor. Karen is also an Angelic Marketing & Social Media Strategist who helps dreamers, visionaries, change agents, and peacemakers find their voice and share their message and gifts globally. Karen is Mindful Media Mom on all social media and can be reached at http://www.
Website: globalkindnesstv.org
Carol Anne Cross
Angel Intuitive
Spirit Guide
Loving Support
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Carol has been aware of her strong connection to the angels and the spiritual realm since childhood. She grew up in a household where oracle cards and clairvoyance were a part of everyday life. When her 6-year-old daughter passed to spirit, Carol questioned all that she had accepted since childhood. She undertook a journey that was at times painful and tumultuous. Carol emerged with compassion, unconditional love, and insight into how we can work together to achieve the balance of mind, body, and spirit.
Carol is a Reiki Practitioner and combines her knowledge of physical healing with the healing that comes from the angelic and metaphysical realm. Carol and her husband live in Brisbane offering spiritual, holistic and healing workshops and courses, on their leafy acreage property.
Website: CarolsAngelWings.com
Feed the World
Self Love &
Healing Food
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Sharon Cryan is the founder and CEO of Food Nerd Inc., a specialty food manufacturing and biotechnology company. Formerly an attorney, she decided to follow her passion and pursue her vision to feed the world and empower people to love themselves. Her food methodology includes various science-based techniques but most amazing is the scientific ‘love’ that is infused into each meal. Her goal is to provide the most nutrient-dense and environmentally conscious food to every belly on the planet. The Food Nerd team has some amazing things in store for everyone who wants to help their bodies and souls feel more alive and connected.
“Food should be a tool that is used to not only nourish the body but also a tool for self-love and respect.” -Sharon Cryan
Website: foodnerdmeals.com
Karen D. Anderson
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Karen Anderson could hear the voice of the Angels and Spirit from childhood.
Karen has worked with clients from all around the world, bringing messages of hope, love, and healing for the past 17 years. She is passionate about teaching Spiritual Development Courses and loves sharing her lifelong experiences with Spirit. Her intention is to help everyone she encounters understand how loved and treasured they truly are, and that Spirit/Source/Love longs to assist everyone along their path in achieving their highest Spiritual destiny and divine Life’s purpose.
Website: askkarenanderson.com
Facebook: facebook.com/SpiritualIntuitiveKarenDAnderson
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My career passion is to support clients to gain clear insight, release inner blocks, and heal, so they can take positive action to experience the life they desire. I gain information by asking questions, actively listening, and using my empathic, clairaudient, and clairvoyant skills. I then use Reiki to release and clear inner blocks and Life Coaching to support positive action steps. I have training as an Intuitive Reader and am certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and Life Coach.
In addition, I founded and directed Wildflower School of Voice in Boulder, CO, for 20 years before selling it at the end of 2014 to transition into my new work full-time.
On the personal side, I have lived in Colorado for 26 years, have been married to my husband, Kevin for 21 years, and have two boys, Greg and Will. I love to be with my family, sing, exercise, and devote time to friends and my spiritual practice.
Website: energia-transformyourlife.com/

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Ilina Ivana, Intuitive Reader & Spiritual Healer, is specializing in helping people by uniting her true passion for the purpose of assisting others in mind, body and spirit. She has extensive experience in working with clients from all over the globe. Her specialty is Psychic Readings, Channelled Messages, Emotional Healing/CLEANSE and providing others with insightful advice about present & future events. Ilina Ivana’s ongoing dedication is to inspire others to connect with their truth and higher self. Ilina Ivana established her private practice in Europe in early 90’s and continued to gain practical experience with exceptional results in Toronto, Canada since 2007.
Website: Ilinaivana.com
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Neelam Minocha, Britain’s Spiritual Alchemist, Healer and Channel is a Quantum Master with a unique gift of transporting you into other worlds and dimensions through her energy transmissions of divine love. She has brought healing and transformation to the hearts and souls of thousands around the world with her ability to see clearly into the cellular memories, DNA and quantum field thus enabling her to get to the heart of dis-ease and the core underlying issues.
Her sold out retreats and workshops are transformational and a catalyst for change. Her meditations and albums speak to the soul, as her voice transmits a higher frequency of pure love and divine messages from spirit, activating and awakening the soul within.
Neelam’s popular radio show on News for the Soul continues to draw in the crowds with her latest energy updates, live meditations and channeled wisdom from a multitude of guides and masters from across the veil, together bringing the energy of unity consciousness and leading the way in the quantum field of consciousness.
Through channelled wisdom, deep compassion, mastery and energy work, she assists her clients and groups in aligning to their fullest potential and self-expression.
Website: neelamminocha.com/
Powerful Force
Transforms Life
Listens to God
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Sheryl Glick, a New York-based accredited Reiki energy healer/medium, offers individual and group sessions and teaches healing and spiritual development. Sheryl taught in New York City schools and holds a BA and MS in Education/Literature. She is a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals and a longtime hospice volunteer.
She is the author of Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection and The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love, sharing stories of spiritual communication, healing energies, and miracles. She is currently completing the third book in the trilogy; New Life Awaits: The Eyes of Spirit Share Evolution Revolution Global Awakening.
Sheryl Glick is the host of Healing from Within, an internet radio show heard on her website, www.sherylglick.com, and www.dreamvisions7radio.com and www.webtalkradio.net which includes over 500 interviews that explore the many facets of universal energy healing and the aligning of our physical and inner being for a complete, healthy and dynamic human experience. Sheryl has worked with prominent speakers and visionaries worldwide who are seeking to help humanity awaken to greater self-awareness of their inner eternal soul being.
Sheryl opens her mind and heart to help others attain a higher view of life through shared coincidences, synchronistic happenings, and miracles and connect to Spirit’s for the improvement of humanity.
Website: sherylglick.com
Website: dreamvisions7radio.com

Safe Space
with Cancer
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Over those decades, she honed it into a streamlined way to access inner peace, see new connections, and increase self-trust. Her book, Tea & Cookies: How I Welcome My Jabberwock, describes the method, which can help people move from victim mode to recognize their personal power.
And now it’s changing again!
Her work background: Writing software for a major corporation, then doing bookkeeping for small companies, then creating and selling fiber arts, and doing public speaking about the (not-quite-at-that-time streamlined) method to listen to your inner self. Camille was a freelance copy editor for ten years, too, until 2018, when she stopped to focus on her current work—and fun.
A fan of inline skating, dancing, and paddleboarding, in 2019 Camille started creating live events that combine her love of the outdoors with facilitating others to practice accessing and loving parts of themselves they’ve had trouble with. These physical activities are on hold while Camille heals from cancer.
As if that isn’t enough, she sells T-shirts on Amazon and Spreadshirt.com.
Website: camilledesalme.com
Angel Messages
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Teri Angel has seen, heard, and communicated with angels and spirit guides for as long as she can remember. Her mediumship and intuitive angel messages have come through powerfully in her “Angel Circles” groups as well as with private clients.
Teri’s compassion and love of giving shows in all her work. She teaches and leads groups in the community to bring others to understand their worth both spiritually and as fellow humans traveling together.
Teri is a Happiness Coach and assists others in getting back to that inner place of joy and contentment. She is a motivational speaker and leads yearly empowerment retreats in addition to her ongoing local workshops.
Website: angelspeakers.com
Instagram: gratitudegrl
Truth of Being
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Vistar – Collective Evolutionary Consciousness
Vistar is a non-profit educational organization founded in 1994 by Dr. Ron Friedman and Victoria Friedman. Vistar is dedicated to the power and potential of Collective Consciousness for collective awakening, co-creation, and conscious communication.
Website: vistarfoundation.org
How the Summit Works
Enjoy 31derful days of inspirational videos! Each day, meet another heart-centered woman who shares her life lessons from a place of vulnerability. Our videos are available with the purchase of an All Access Summit Pass.
All Access Pass Members will receive an Appreciation Gift worth $70+. The gift includes:
- Journal with space to create including inspirational quotes from Summit speakers
- Exclusive Enlightened Women ~ Enlightened You Words of Wisdom Cards
- Quiet Mind: How to Create Freedom From Depression and Anxiety Healing Handbook by Linda Dierks
- Try Something New CD Download, by ShaRon Rea on Positive Parenting
- Coupon from Dr. Heather Ann Harder’s book, Many Were Called – Few Were Chosen: The Story of Mother Earth and Earth Based Volunteers
“This is a Summit of Angels bringing Universal Love, Light and Healing to the world.”
“This is THE most attractive, professional, well-planned, inviting summit I’ve ever seen and a topic that will engage throngs!”