Daily Meditations and Shows

Featuring over 200 spirit-inspired lightworkers specializing in Meditation, Energy Healing, Life Coaching, Other Worldly Beings and Angel Channeling. Enlightened World Networks offers over 2000 videos for your viewing on-demand. Please Join Us!

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Join us for A Meditation A Day with Harold Becker, founder of the Love Foundation. A Meditation A Day is a special time to be immersed in guided meditation for us to take that special pause in our day.

Harold Becker: https://www.thelovefoundation.com.

Harold W. Becker has dedicated his life to living and sharing the practical application of unconditional love. Since 1990, his consulting company, Internal Insights, has its focus to “empower people through self awareness and unconditional love.” In 2000 he founded the globally recognized non-profit, The Love Foundation, Inc., with the intent to “inspire people to love unconditionally.” He blends incredible insight and intuition with humor, compassion and kindness, for a strong inspirational vision in all of his endeavors that also include public speaking, writing, business and personal guidance.

Please consider donating to support the work of the EWN https://www.paypal.me/EnlightenedWorld.

Check out our website featuring over 150 spirit-inspired lightworkers specializing in meditation, energy work and angel channeling www.enlightenedworld.online

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