Daily Meditations and Shows

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Join us for A Course In Love and Chanting For Change together at 8:00 pm EST and then if you would like to stay on we will chant for half hour.

Each night Karen Palmer and Teri Angel lead the chanting of two powerful chants to effect change in ourselves and in our world. The first is Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha and the second is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. As we bring this energy inside for transformation, the shift that happens will go out into the world to change the frequency and vibration of Mother Earth. We invite you to join in with us for any or all of these chantings. Yogananda states “A phonograph cannot give devotion, but a soul can. While praying or chanting, do not think of the words, but of their meaning, and intensely mentally offer the thought behind them to God, and your prayer will drop straight like a plummet into the depths of the sea of God’s consciousness.

For more about Teri:

For more about Karen:
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