Daily Meditations and Shows

Featuring over 200 spirit-inspired lightworkers specializing in Meditation, Energy Healing, Life Coaching, Other Worldly Beings and Angel Channeling. Enlightened World Networks offers over 2000 videos for your viewing on-demand. Please Join Us!

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Phillip Mountrose, Spiritual Coach and Healer, will share a special meditation.

Join us for a guided mediation with Spiritual Coach and Energy-Healing Pioneer Phillip Mountrose.

Live on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/enlightenedworldnetwork
Live on YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/enlightenedworldnetwork

Phillip and Jane Mountrose are widely recognized pioneers and experts in the fields of holistic life coaching and healing. With around three decades of experience, Phillip and Jane keep fine-tuning their signature methods, which include Holistic EFT, Spiritual Kinesiology, Holistic Hypnotherapy, NLP, and more. The Mountroses are founding directors of Awakenings Institute. They bring a depth of spirit and a mission to be of service and have helped people from around the world with a wide range of challenges.

We invite you to join in a joyful meditation on A Meditation a Day, sponsored by Enlightened World Network.

A Meditation A Day is a special time to be immersed in guided meditation for us to take that special pause in our day.

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A Meditation a Day is sponsored by Enlightened World Network. Our intention is to come together to surround the planet, humanity, and ourselves with divine healing love. We know when two or more are gathered, that we then amplify the intention and energy for ourselves and for the collective.

Please consider donating to support the work of the EWN https://www.paypal.me/EnlightenedWorld.

Check out our website featuring over 200 spirit-inspired lightworkers specializing in meditation, energy work and angel channeling https://www.enlightenedworld.online

Would you like to see your show listed here? Email us at welcome@enlightenedworld.online

Enjoy inspirational and educational shows at http://www.youtube.com/c/EnlightenedWorldNetwork

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