Daily Meditations and Shows

Featuring over 200 spirit-inspired lightworkers specializing in Meditation, Energy Healing, Life Coaching, Other Worldly Beings and Angel Channeling. Enlightened World Networks offers over 2000 videos for your viewing on-demand. Please Join Us!

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Lightworkers, Empaths and all of us are called to step forward and lead with our hearts. Now is our time to shine brightly. Caroline Palmy loves to help you to connect deeper to your heart and your flow, remember Self-Care, Self-Compassion, and Self-Love is so needed. Let yourself shine bright from your heart.

Caroline Palmy is an Award Winning and Best Selling Author, Speaker and Heart Flow Healer. She is a self-love pioneer leading the way for women over 40 to release their blocks, regain a deep sense of self and step onto the path to a fulfilled, purposeful life. Using a mix of her personal life experiences, powerful, intuitive Energy Healing, and deep insight, Caroline certainly walks her talk.

A Meditation A Day, daily guided meditations is presented by EWN. Our intention for our time together is to come together to surround the planet, humanity and ourselves with divine healing love. We know when two or more are gathered, that we then amplify the intention and energy for ourselves and for the collective.

Enlightened World Network is your guide to inspirational online programs about the spiritual divinity, angels, energy work, chakras, past lives, or soul. Learn about spiritually transformative authors, musicians and healers. From motivational learning to inner guidance, you will find the best program for you.

Check out EWN’s website featuring over 150 spirit-inspired lightworkers specializing in meditation, energy work and angel channeling.

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#energyhealing #kindness #spiritualhealing

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