Featured Host

Linda Dierk

Featured Host: Linda Dierk’s Interview with Dido Clark, Ph.D.

Here at Enlightened World Network, it is our great pleasure to welcome Linda Dierks.

Q: As a pioneer of wellness in the integration of science and spirituality, I’ve really been looking forward to connecting with you. You’ve been moving people into healing and joy from all kinds of physical and mental wellness challenges, such as depression, cancer, HIV/aids projects, or substance abuse, to name a few.
So, Linda, with all the speaking, workshops, and writing you’ve been doing, could you start out by telling us why you were drawn to create the Step Into Your Power Channel?

A: I’ve long known that it is my true path to support and encourage others to move from illness (both mental and physical), isolation, and depression into healing and joy. I show people how to transform and grow by tapping into the mechanics of energy, the power of thought, and divine love.

For many years now, I’ve been holding energy medicine workshops for people with serious illness to achieve self-empowered physical and mental wellness. I’ve also written a book to get the word out about how we can all learn to walk with Spirit as our loving, encouraging coach and companion. It’s called Quiet Mind: Natural Freedom from Depression and Anxiety. So, the Step Into Your Power mini-series is another great opportunity to help people regain their wellness and wholeness through the five-week mini-series.

Q: What a powerful calling you’ve answered. To me, the Step Into Your Power mini-series sounds like the place where “your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Could you tell me more about the mini-series?

A: It is a step-by-step process that supports self-empowered physical and mental wellness. These same steps took me from my own personal “Dark Ages” to my life now, a life I love.
It all has to start on a really solid foundation of positive self-esteem. That’s why I called Part One “Know Yourself.” The fundamental first step of expanding your personal power is knowing yourself. When you step into your power, you become the unique expression of your source creator. It all starts with a willingness to open our hearts and minds, so we can awaken to our own unique worth.

Q: That’s so needed in the world. So often our self-esteem is based on what the world calls accomplishments or how “well” things go for us, which does not help when things don’t go so “well.” I’ve read how your guides told you that living in joy is the definition of success, and the route to happiness is living in your Divine light. Could you say more about that?

A: Yes. The steps are all about finding our way back to joy and wellbeing. If you can feel it, or begin to feel it, you know you are on the right track. So, in Part Two, where we focus on embracing our unique gifts, we can get past feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, or unreadiness by remembering and doing more of what truly lights us up. We are all given a unique combination of talents, skills, and interests that are part of our authentic selves. When we use them, we strengthen our life force and we feel more joy and wellbeing.

Q: Yes, it’s so easy to forget who we really are and what we are capable of. So, what is Part Three about?

A: It’s about strengthening self-love. As we practice self-love, we can more easily wash away our doubts and fears, and live life with more calm and confidence. Personally, it was learning how to really love myself that was the biggest turning point in my life—that and breaking out of a persona that was not who I really was.

Q: I can resonate with that—big time! So, tell me more about Part Four called “Walk with a Higher Presence.”

A: I’ve never forgotten what my Spirit Guide told me years ago. The message was, “When you live in attunement with Spirit, there is no fear.” That’s a key message I want to share with everyone. Living in attunement with Spirit is going to look different for everyone because a spiritual practice is personal, unique, and self-created. You will recognize it, however, by a kind of illuminated thinking that rings with pure joy, and a profound sense of wellness. Whether or not we feel ourselves to be in the presence of guides, we can dance with Spirit, and partner with something greater than ourselves.

Q: Yes, I love what you have written about being with Spirit, almost like a coach, and definitely as a companion—if we create the space for that relationship. So, what is Part Five about?

A: This part I have called “Engage, Expand, Express.” We are designed to want to expand to our fullest expression and potential and, as we do so, we generate an energetic cycle of vitality. When we express ourselves fully, follow the vision of our purpose, and engage with our higher presence, we are re-igniting our light and restoring our emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.

Q: There are so many people who are hungering for a spiritual leader and guide who has the skills, qualities, and life experiences to help them not only heal emotionally and physically, but also to become full of joy and love. Could you tell me more about how you became a pioneer of profound wellness?

A: Sure. A spiritual thread has run through my life from as early as I can remember. Growing up, however, I began to feel the all-to-common societal pressure to “perform,” first as a star athlete, then in the corporate world. Over time, I began to lose the connection to my core, authentic self.

Then one day, my whole identity came crashing down around me, starting with a diagnosis of breast cancer. As I struggled to deal with this time of many twists and turns, I was plunged into a serious physical and emotional imbalance and so began a long, debilitating series of losses, including my career and my relationship.

I call that my Dark Ages. That I personally lived through these experiences and successfully came full circle with the help of my Spirit Guides is something, however, that I know was my given path. My guides were showing me how the core source of my mental and physical imbalance was due to the long-term suppression of my Life Force, or my Divine light.

I couldn’t teach others about how to pull themselves out of despair and become joyful and healthy until I had it proven it in my own life. In fact, long before my cancer, I had set the intention that I would help people heal. My challenges helped me remember my soul contract. Now I consider myself a messenger of joy and wellness by teaching self-empowerment and higher awareness.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights. As we have been talking, I’ve really been feeling a great sense of safety and trust in you. You truly are the embodiment of living in joy as the definition of success. Thank you so much for the light you are being in the world!

About Linda Dierks
Linda is a pioneer of self-empowered joy and wellness through the power of thought, love and the mechanics of energy. Finding the source of wellness became her life’s mission after breast cancer left her debilitated and depressed. After studying several alternative health modalities and wellness philosophies, she found core healing and joy in the integration of science and spirituality.

As a speaker, author, and intuitive Linda shares the methods behind her triumph over illness and depression. She has been published in Science of Mind Magazine, the Deepak Chopra newsletter, and is the author of Quiet Mind: Natural Freedom from Depression and Anxiety.

You can join her one-minute Creating Joy and Wellness blog at spinstrawtogoldnow.com.