One With the Earth
Daily Shows on Facebook and YouTube Live
Watch live shows about the planet, nature, animals, the moon,
water, sustainability, the universe, otherworldly beings and Divine Healers
To Watch a Replay of the Shows from our Launch on March 20th
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Or Visit EWN’s Youtube Channel
How Expansive is the World You Live in? One with the Earth is an exploration into everything energetically and spiritually that impacts Gaia and the humans that inhabit it. Join in as we celebrate the planet, nature, animals, the moon, water, sustainability and the universe including otherworldly beings and Divine Healers.
We will be offering guided meditations, inspiring conversations and many opportunities for spiritual transformation and growth. Created by lightworkers, all EWN meditations and shows are meant to inspire, educate, empower, and enlighten our viewers. Stay connected with EWN and Welcome Home to Calm!
Highlights of the Event
Teri Angel
Saturday, March 20
8:00am ET
Morning Cuppa Joy
Morning Cuppa JoY is a time to gather together in the early morning to share laughs, current happenings and burdens on our planet. It is a very interactive conversation with the Angelic River Family as Teri Angel and guests invite others to join virtually. The show is concluded with prayer requests and a time spent in meditation and prayer led by Teri.
Hema Vyas
Saturday, March 20
11:00am ET
Journey to Connect with your Highest Timeline, Purpose and Potential
As we travel further into the Age of Aquarius, an age of truth and lightness, we are able to tap into infinite potential. Any pain we are experiencing is a reminder to clear and release what no longer serves. Allow Hema to guide you on a meditative journey through different dimensions to find the timeline most suited to your highest calling and purpose. Energies have shifted and loving power supports our highest evolution and expression. We are not our history, and the truth of who we are is able to shine more brightly than ever. Journey with Hema and allow this to infuse all aspects of your life: purpose, relationships, and wellbeing as you align with the energies of the earth with a creativity that knows no bounds.
Lisa Berry
& Cheryl Ivaniski
Saturday, March 20
2:00pm ET
Grounding Sugar Spikes
The rise and fall of our glucose and insulin levels can be gently guided by more than food. Our Earth and our matter, in it’s magnificent power, plays a role in our health. Dance with movement as Mother Nature plays her music.
Join Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Well Being Expert Lisa Berry with her co-host Cheryl Ivaniski, Holistic Diabetes Wellness Strategist, Dr. Holistic Medicine, and 5 X International Bestselling Author, to learn from and thank the Earth for all the ways we work together to maintain health and thrive beyond imbalances.
Sharon Carne
Saturday, March 20
3:00pm ET
Grounding with Gaia
Grounding is a process of being aware and present in your physical body. It is also a way of releasing excess energy, like the grounding your house has to dissipate the excess energy if your house gets hit by lightning. Becoming aware and present in your body brings strength, balance, purpose, creativity, calm, health, expanded awareness, connection to spiritual essence. As consciousness expands, it needs to be grounded into physical form, meaning our physical body, especially if we are to make a difference, not only in our own lives, but in those of others. Grounding is not permanent, however. We can become ungrounded with a thought. Likewise, we can become grounded with a thought or a sound or a physical experience. I welcome you now to the eye of the hurricane, the calm center of the storm. Like the giant oak tree, you can bend and sway, but your roots hold strong to the earth. Once you can feel that, you can step into the strongest winds around the eye and not get blown away.
Ona Christie Martin
Saturday, March 20
5:00pm ET
Gardening the Galaxy Meditation
As you sow, so shall you reap. In this meditation we will work with a gentle yet powerful plant spirit to help in grounding, balancing and aligning our energies, and finally to send seeds of friendship to benevolent star beings throughout the galaxy.
Dr. Ruth Anderson and Teri Angel
Saturday, March 20
6:00pm ET
25th Floor
The 25th Floor, Enlightened World Network One with the Earth. Would you like otherworldly support for physical or emotional healing? Do you wish you could meet Divine Healers from the Ethereal Realm? Take a journey in meditation to The 25th Floor with Dr. Ruth Anderson and Teri Angel. Together they will take you to meet with Divine Healers from the Galactic Federation: Rose, Blue, Lemon, Radiance, Dr. Grey, Dr, Staunch and Dr. Might. Work with the Divine Healers does not replace the need to seek medical care.
Julia Greef
Saturday, March 20
8:00pm ET
Co-Creating New Earth
Light-Encoded Channeled Higher Dimension & New Earth Frequency Transmissions from Archangel Metatron & Melchizedek, The Lemurian Priests & Priestesses, The Totem Animals of the Ascended Earth, and a Heart Activation Supporting us in Expanding into the Vibrational Frequencies of Unconditional Acceptance, Unconditional Forgiveness & Unconditional Love from Rose Quartz & other of the Sacred Rocks & Crystals of New Earth.
Karen Palmer and Teri Angel
Saturday, March 20
9:00pm ET
Chanting for Change
Each night Karen Palmer and Teri Angel lead the chanting of two powerful chants to effect change in ourselves and in our world. The first is Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha and the second is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. As we bring this energy inside for transformation, the shift that happens will go out into the world to change the frequency and vibration of Mother Earth. We invite you to join in with us for any or all of these chantings.
Teri Angel
Sunday, March 21
8:00am ET
Morning Cuppa Joy
Morning Cuppa JoY, a time to gather together in the early morning to share laughs, current happenings and burdens on our planet. It is a very interactive conversation with the Angelic River Family as Teri Angel and guests invite others to join virtually. The show is concluded with prayer requests and a time spent in meditation and prayer led by Teri.
Jeannette Wesolowski
Sunday, March 21
9:00am ET
Light Sourcing Meditation/Journey and Light Language
During this journey we will connect Source Light to the Heart of Gaia as pillars of light then expand this light to bring healing, love and peace to Gaia and All that live on and within her. There will be Light Language and whatever else arises that is in the Highest Good for All.
Reba Linker
Sunday, March 21
10:00am ET
Recognizing At-One-ness in Our Relationship with the Earth
Our relationship with the Earth is mirrored in our relationship with the Self – and vice versa. Using movement and the Ho’oponopono technique, we can gaze into that mirror to release and clear that which is less than loving, and, in doing so, renew and rejuvenate our relationship with Earth and Self.
Dr. Ruth Anderson and Teri Angel
Sunday, March 21
11:00am ET
Silent Collective Meditation
Just 30 minutes of going inward and upward can change your perspective and transform your life! We come together online to surround the planet, humanity, and ourselves with divine healing love. We know when two or more are gathered, that we then amplify the intention and energy for ourselves and for the collective. Why not give yourself the gift of spending time with EWN in meditation and transform within a community of like-minded folks?
Holly Copeland
Sunday, March 21
12:00pm ET
Liberating from the “Not Enough” Trap:
Resource inner wholeness and resilience to heal yourself and the earth
As a passionate conservationist, I’ve spent much of my life as a scientist studying and working on environmental issues. In that work, my heart ached with awareness of the growing environmental destruction and its impact to life on earth sending me into great despair and outrage — with an urgent desire to answer the endless beckoning call for help. As the outrage and despair worked its way into my heart, my unhappiness grew, and I searched for a way out of the pain. I spent two years in a journey of chaos to clarity, healing my wounded heart and emerging whole and ready to help others and the planet.
In this session, I will share my story and lead you in a meditative journey within to return to the whole, loving, fearless and resilient Self that has the full capacity to be with the outrage and to bring healing and love into the aching wounded heart.
Keleena Malnar
Sunday, March 21
2:00pm ET
Healing Yourself with Mother Earth
Keleena will talk about the basic understandings of our Mother Gaia and how she supports us in our human experience, how she heals us, provides for us abundantly, and much more. She will also bring through some codes for you to connect with Gaia and may have the Elementals come through with Light Language DNA Activation codes for you to connect with them as well. We will also go over how we need to support her in return as she is a living breathing consciousness as we are.

Sally De Rosa
Sunday, March 21
2:30pm ET
The Enlightened Coffee Time with Zenlightenment
Join Sally De la Rosa and guests for The Enlightened Coffee Time with Zenlightenment. Sally shares topics of interest and subjects that enrich our lives. Each week, Sally explores different perspectives to offer resolutions, to expand our horizon and our perspectives of the world that we live in. Meet Sally’s guests… inspiring, awakening, moving forward and putting their best selves forward for humanity and for our own personal well-being.
Mira Rubin
Sunday, March 21
3:00pm ET
The Un-More-ing: From Consumerism to Worthiness
What could we be thinking as a culture to permit the devastation that we’ve wrought on the planet? What shift of awareness has the power to turn it all around? Let’s explore the notion of sufficiency and recognition of the intrinsic value of life as an antidote to the rampant growth-obsessed consumerism that has shaped our contemporary world.
Jane Mountrose
& Sunny Molavi
Sunday, March 21
7:30pm ET
A Special Episode of the Soulful Living Show on “Healing the World with Love”
With so much turmoil in the world, it’s easy to feel like you don’t matter, like you can’t make a difference in the face of the overwhelming list of challenges we face on our troubled planet. Fortunately, with an understanding that love is the ultimate solution, there are things you can do now, wherever you are, without leaving your home, and without knowing how to solve the environmental crisis, cure racial inequality, or raise the less fortunate out of poverty.
It’s important to understand that each of us matters – that you matter – that you have something special to offer, and that in the end, the ultimate solution is healing the world with love.
Karen Palmer and Teri Angel
Sunday, March 21
9:00pm ET
Chanting for Change
Each night Karen Palmer and Teri Angel lead the chanting of two powerful chants to effect change in ourselves and in our world. The first is Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha and the second is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. As we bring this energy inside for transformation, the shift that happens will go out into the world to change the frequency and vibration of Mother Earth. We invite you to join in with us for any or all of these chantings.
Sharon Carne
Sunday, March 21
11:00pm ET
Sound Wellness: Chakra Toning Circle
Your voice is the most powerful healing tool you have. When you use your voice in a focused, sacred way it creates actual physical response in your body (like healing), emotional response (like calm), mental response (like more focus), and spiritual connection (like peace). The Sound Wellness Chakra Toning Circle is an active meditation practice. We use the sacred vowel sounds associated with the chakras. Sacred sound, created by you, to enhance health, harmony and your brilliance! Join us to start your week with Peace, Ease and Healing.
“Water and Prayer Blessing”
Today we pray and set our intentions with healing blessings on the water. Water is the first foundation for our life. We begin our lives in the sacred fluid of our mothers wombs, and continue our lives in sync with the waters of the world. As the Great Cycle continues to turn, the fluid of our bodies is that of ALL WATER on earth:
Every underground spring
Every tranquil pond and lake
Every flowing stream
Every river, large and small
Every gulf and every bay
Every sea and every ocean
Every cloud and every raindrop
Every iceberg and glacier
Every particle of water in every life form on Earth
Sweet spirit of water, receive this flow of gratitude, love and appreciation for nourishing our lives into existence, and supporting all on our planet.
We ask to know within ourselves all the powers of water: to wear down and to build up, to ebb and to flow, to nurture and to destroy, to merge and to separate.
We know that water has great powers of healing and of cleansing, and we also know that water is vulnerable to contamination and pollution. We ask help in our work as healers, in our efforts to ensure that the waters of the world run clean and run free, that all the earth’s children have the water they need to sustain abundance of life.
Water nourishes us and quenches our thirst. It supports us when we swim, and cleanses us when we bathe. We wash our hands, wash our dishes, wash our clothes, flush our toilets, and water our plants and crops, quench our thirst, many of us without a second thought of just how precious water is in our lives.
This sacred element is so vital, that when we look for life on other planets, the first thing we seek is water.
Our energetic field carries the signature of our thoughts within, so we come with sincere conscious intentions toward water, we are infusing our own healing and loving energy into the bodies of water all over the earth.
So we come together as water warriors, water healers, water dreamers, and water teachers as we pay our respects and honor the powers of water, as a sacred wisdom keeper, and giver of life.
We offer our prayers for the health of the worlds waters. May these prayers and blessings for the water be received in gratitude, respect, love and sincerity. May we all join in allowing water to play its part in the great re-harmonizing of our body-mind-spirit-nature connection.
Water is sacred. Water is life. Blessed be the water.