Usui/Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Fire Classes

Study with Monica Augustine

Weekly Series on Thursdays
Sept. 3 – 24, 2020 from 7:30 – 9:00pm ET

Fee: $60

See class description below


Monica Augustine offers Intuitive Readings, Holy Fire Reiki and Coaching sessions over the phone.

Monica’s career passion is to support clients to gain clear insight, release inner blocks, and heal, so they can take positive action to experience the life they desire. She gains information by asking questions, actively listening, and using my empathic, clairaudient, and clairvoyant skills. Then she uses Reiki to release and clear inner blocks and Life Coaching to support positive action steps. Monica is an intuitive life coach, certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and Life Coach, and a writer for the Reiki News Magazine.

In addition, she has three original inspirational musical C’s on iTunes and all musical platforms and she founded and directed Wildflower School of Voice in Boulder, CO., for 20 years before selling it in 2014. She has been a performing artist for most of her life.

On the personal side, Monica has lived in Colorado for 29 years, married to her husband, Kevin for 25 years, and has two amazing boys, Greg and Will. She loves to be with her family, singing, running, biking, traveling, learning, being in nature and devoting time to friends and her spiritual practice.

Monica specializes in helping clients heal from abuse. She uses INTUITIVE READING to help you gain insight, HOLY FIRE REIKI to heal and clear inner blocks, and COACHING to support your positive actions!

Her website:

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