Leadership Coaching, Book Publishing, and Podcast Opportunities

Rebecca Hall Gruyter is a Global Influencer, #1 International Best-Selling Author and Compiler, Publisher, Radio Host (reaching over 1 million listeners on 7 networks), and an Empowerment leader that wants to help you reach more people. She has built multiple platforms to help experts reach more people. These platforms Radio, TV, books, magazines, the Speaker Talent Search, and Live Events …Creating a powerful promotional reach of over 10 million!


Rebecca, also known as RHG, believes what the world needs is more of you! She has created multiple platforms all designed to help you reach more people, in print, through live formats, at live events ….and while doing so be positioned as an expert, leader, and influencer!

Rebecca is the CEO of RHG Media Productions (which includes the RHG TV Network-with over 30 weekly programs and Publishing Arm—that has helped 200+ authors become best sellers!). She is the Owner of Your Purpose Driven Practice and the Creator of the Speaker Talent Search.

Rebecca has personally contributed to 20+ published books, multiple magazines, and has been quoted in Major Media: The Huffington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and Thrive Global. And now helps Experts get quoted in major media too.

Today, she wants to help you: Be seen, heard and SHINE!

Rebecca’s Services Include:

Under Your Purpose Driven Practice:
Visibility Opportunities/Coaching
Live Events
Virtual Programs: Stepping Into Leadership, Effective and Heart-Led Sales Conversations, Offers that Serve, Create & Fill Your Events, Your Success Formula

Under RHG Media Productions:
Book Publishing with Best Seller Launch
Best Seller Launches
Anthology Opportunities

Schedule a free Session to talk with Rebecca personally about your goals, needs, and the possible next steps you could take. Here is the link to schedule a time to talk with her: http://www.MeetWithRebecca.com




Social Media:

www.EmpoweringWomenTransformingLives (radio show)




LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/rebecca-hall-gruyter/9/266/280

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Rebeccahgruyter

Instagram: RHGTVNetwork

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