Michele Lander Numerology and Coaching Services


Numerology, Life, Career and Spiritual Coaching and Hypnotherapy are wonderful tools to gain a better understanding of to support you on your journey towards a more fulfilling life.

It is my Life Path and my greatest joy to help people shift their perception so that they can see possibilities they didn’t even know existed. To understand on a deeper level, why you are here and what you really want. To come up with a clear vision of what you would love your life to look like and a plan to make that happen.

Today, for EWN viewers, I’m offering special pricing on my products and services. From taking a toe-dip into the fascinating world of Numerology to taking a deep dive into why you are who you are and how to create a life that you love!

Read descriptions of Michele’s Services below.

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$25 – Numerology
Here is your toe-dip into the world of Numerology! This one- page chart reading includes a brief explanation of the meaning of your four Core numbers.

$55 – Numerology
This three page chart reading includes a brief explanation of the meaning of your four Core numbers, Karmic numbers and Challenges as well as an overview of your current Personal Year vibrations.

$100 – Numerology
This six-seven page chart reading includes a full interpretation of your current Personal Year vibrations.

$150 – Numerology
This is a full Numerology 13-16 page reading that includes your four core numbers, day of birth, karmic areas, challenges, pinnacles, planes of expression as well as a full interpretation of your Personal Year vibrations.

$85 – (45 minutes) Spiritual, Life or Career Coaching
Coaching is one of the leading tools that successful people use to live extraordinary lives. Coaching will help you to regain clarity and direction in life and unlock your ability to reach your full potential.

If you are seeking ways to grow spiritually and emotionally along your journey in life, but not quite sure how, you can also sign up for a free 20 minute consultation to talk about spirituality, numerology, life coaching, hypnotherapy or anything else that’s on your mind.

Contact Michele Landers:michelelanders@bellsouth.net

Website: michelelanders.com

Additional information

Numerology or Coaching Services

$100 Numerology, $150 Numerology, $25 Numerology, $55 Numerology, $85 – Spiritual, Life or Career Coaching

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