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Acceptance of the Grief Process

by Dr. Ruth Anderson

I woke from a dream this morning where I watched a wise woman observing a snake as it worked its way across the land. She didn’t disturb it or make noise. She simply observed… holding it in love and honor for its journey. Feeling that this dream was a message for me, I looked up the spiritual meaning of a snake. From Spirit Animal, I read that the snake is symbolic of healing, transformation, and life changes.

As my mother passed away a month ago, the snake reminded me that healing from loss is a long process and to be very gentle with myself.  No need to rush my grief, I can just allow it to move at its own pace. I thought about the snake and how it might move through an area in the 3D realm. Sometimes snakes move quickly and other times they bask in the sun, not moving at all. Relating that to the grief process, I think the basking times are when I stop and allow myself to feel the loss. Not only is it okay to stop and feel, but in so doing, I can soak up the warmth of the sun’s energy and feel nurtured and energized. In addition, snakes shedding their skin is the perfect symbol for transformation and growth.

Perhaps my dream was a reminder for you as well. Maybe our roles are to be the wise observers of our individual grief and healing processes… to watch with love and understanding that there is no wrong way to deal with grief. There is no need to rush it. Simply be a supportive observer of where you are in the process. Hold yourself in grace. No judgment necessary, just love and acceptance for wherever you are in your grief and healing process at the time.

As you work your way through loss and healing, remember that there are others who love you and can support you in your grief. Feel free to message me at if we can be of support or post to the Facebook EWN 24 Hour Prayer Room. This may also be the perfect time to rely on your spiritual understandings and find comfort in your knowingness that we are held in love at all times.

With much love to you.
Dr. Ruth Anderson

© Dr. Ruth Anderson