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Introducing Animal Communication: My Story

By Barbara Mariano

I am an Animal Communicator, Sacramento’s Animal Whisperer. So, what do I mean by that? Simply put, I am able to meet an animal on their own stomping grounds.

I realize many people figure animals are dumb or have small brains and are definitely not as emotional or smart as us humans. But in order to communicate effectively with animals, we have to enter their world.

That’s exactly what I do. I’ve spent over 30 years learning how animals communicate so that I can diagnose and solve problems pets may be having around their behavior and health.

So, how did I start out? How did I get to be an Animal Communicator?

It All Started With Athena
I have heard people say that there is no way that a human can speak horse, dog, or cat! To tell the truth, I too would have agreed with them until I had a firsthand experience with a cat.

It happened quite by chance while I was waiting in a property management office while my boyfriend, a real estate salesman, was showing a condo to a prospective client.

It was a rainy day outside. I was chatting with the woman behind the desk when this beautiful cat walked over and jumped up on my lap.

It felt like love at first sight! She told me that this cat belonged to one of the tenants. This woman had been warned more than once to keep her cat inside. I was so moved by this beautiful cat, sitting on my lap purring loudly as I petted her, that I offered to buy her if this woman didn’t want her.

Unfazed by my offer, the office manager told me if the tenant continued to ignore the warning the cat was mine. I could hardly believe my luck! I left her my phone number and waited on pins and needles to hear back over the next two weeks. Much to my amazement, I finally got that call asking me where I lived so she could bring Athena to me, her new owner.

This was the beginning of a love affair that lasted over six years, but more importantly, I had my first real experience of communicating with an animal.
I had just landed a great job as a Food Broker Sales Rep and just moved into a beautiful apartment with my new cat. Life was beautiful. My workday was long, so it was a great comfort to come home to my new kitty Athena and spend time with her.

When Kitty Really Started Communicating
All too soon, however, the honeymoon seemed to be over.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, as I was lying on the couch petting her, Athena started attacking my hand with her teeth and claws!

As you can imagine, this was not fun. I yelled at her and pushed her away. What the heck was wrong with my cat? This happened a few more times, and I started to feel disappointed. My cat seemed to hate me.

Early on in my life, I had a psychic sense or an ability to know things. At this stage of my life, however, I just wanted to have a regular life with a job and a cat, and now I had a crazy cat to deal with. Had I made a mistake taking her?

Communications of a Different Kind
As I was trying to work this out, I began to feel/hear a voice in my head suggesting that I should meditate, something I had limited experience in doing. I didn’t have any better ideas, so the following Saturday I sat on my bed, closed my eyes and focused on my breath.

As I was getting quiet inside, I felt eyes on me. It was Athena, staring right into my eyes just two feet away. I got worried at first, but then I felt a Jello-like experience in my solar plexus/stomach area and heard a voice in my head saying that she was trying to communicate with me!

OMG! Suddenly I felt as if I was being pulled into her body/energy body while being aware of both of us connecting. For a brief moment in time, I saw what it was like in Athena’s world. It was very peaceful, and power emanated out of her body. As I looked around while I was “there,” I saw only space and heard the words, “I am your teacher if you are willing to learn.”

By now I was sure I was losing it. I got a little scared, but before I left this altered state of awareness, I asked her why she kept biting me. Her reply was simple. I heard, “You are not in your body and you’re too scattered,” and then—bam—I felt this Jello-like experience again and I popped back into my body.

Learning How to Speak CAT (and other animal languages)
Now I know you may be thinking I am coocoo but seriously folks this really happened. As I recovered from the shock of all this and came back to myself, I opened my eyes, and I swear Athena gave me one of those I-told-you-so looks and jumped off the bed. From that point on, I deferred to my Animal Teacher as a being much smarter than me. I began the process of learning how to speak CAT.

I know this story is unusual, but over the next six years together, I developed my ability to listen. I was able to enter her world by tuning in to what she was trying to communicate, and I found that I could receive information in the form of pictures and feelings. In fact, as I began to learn how to interpret those images, I was able to put words to them.

This became my life’s work. Over the years since then, I’ve become fluent in CAT, DOG, HORSE, and other animal languages. At this stage, I may be one of the most experienced Animal Communicators out there, as I’ve devoted myself to learning how animals communicate.
Now I realize Animal Communication may be unchartered territory for many of you, but I am here to make it easier for you to step into my shoes—and their paws—and begin your own exciting journey into the world of Animal Communications!

About Barbara Mariano
Barbara Mariano, known as Sacramento’s Animal Whisperer, offers her skills as a Reiki Master and Teacher, healer, animal intuitive, mentor, counselor, life coach, medium, storyteller, and psychic.

Barbara was born with a strong gift of intuition. Over the past 30 years, she has helped thousands of people with their pet concerns about health, behavior problems, illness, and dying. She is the best at quickly diagnosing the problem and getting to the solution. Barbara’s animal intuitive sessions and animal Reiki treatments can be done long distance.

When it comes to people, Barbara offers healing and bodywork sessions as well as teaching Reiki to Level Four.

You can find her at: