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Two Easy Breathing Exercises to Connect You to the Angels

By Sue Broome

I’ve been blessed that the Angels have shared some easy breathing exercises with me over the years. They are divinely inspired to help us all feel more connected: to them, to ourselves, to the Divine, and even to Loved Ones on the other side. These exercises are something everyone can do, so take a few minutes for yourself and let’s get started!

How does Feeling more Connected Benefit Me?

No matter what is coming up, and no matter what direction it may be coming from, I feel I have support. It is as if someone has my back. I feel as if there is a reason I do the things I do. I never feel as if I am alone.

When I feel connected to the Divine, to the Angels, to my Loved Ones, and to myself, synchronicities show up in my life that much more. I feel the love of the Divine much more strongly within.

I feel calmer, more peaceful and peace-filled. Things seem to go that much more smoothly throughout the day. I feel more centered, and it sometimes feels as if I can take on more than when I’m not feeling the connection.

Why Start with the Breath?

I start with the breath in order to connect. And here’s why the Angels guided me in this way.

The origins of the word “breath” demonstrate that it’s very connected to the word “spirit” (by which I mean Spirit, the Divine, the Angels, our Loved Ones, and our own inner spark.)

The origin of the word “spirit” is ultimately derives from the Latin word spiritus, which meant  “breath or spirit,” based on the word spirare, which meant “to breathe.” Over time, this word came into the English language from Anglo-Norman French into Middle English and continued into modern English.

Connection to our Breath Exercise

Connecting to our breath is the best place to start. This isn’t a breathing exercise or a meditation. This is a connection to our breath through an easy breathing exercise.

Find a place where you can be alone and have a seat. Close your eyes if you’d like and make yourself comfortable.

All you need to do is breathe. Don’t change your breath, just breathe like you have been doing and pay attention to what you notice. Focus on your breath.

  • Is your breathing shallow or do you take deep breaths?
  • When you breathe do you make a noise or are you a silent breather?
  • Does your chest move when you breathe, or your stomach, or both?
  • Do you breathe with your mouth open or closed?

After you’ve been focusing for approximately a minute, take three deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose for a count of five, hold for three, and then exhale through your mouth.

Return to just breathing, without changing your breath, just noticing. Is there a difference from before? Did something shift?

Now, as you breathe in, imagine all of the cells of your body getting the wonderful oxygen they need to feel nourished.

As you exhale, know that your body is releasing carbon dioxide to the plant life around you as well as releasing toxins that no longer serve your body.

Feel the oxygen nourishing your cells-in and know that the release of toxins are benefiting your cells-out, making room for healthy oxygen-in.

Return to your breathing and just observe. Has it changed? What differences do you notice?

Do this connection to your breath practice for 3 to 5 minutes (longer if you would like), every day.

  • Do you feel more energized?
  • Do you feel more relaxed?
  • Do you feel as if you are taking in more oxygen with each breath even when you aren’t necessarily focusing on it?
  • Do you feel as if you are releasing more toxins when you exhale?
  • Are there other changes you’ve noticed?

I find I can do this simple exercise in a crowded room, a noisy room, a quiet location, or out in nature. Anywhere works, even on the days when you feel you have no time because of what is going on in your life. You can do it on the walk to your car, the walk down the hall, or even when going up or down the stairs for the laundry.

Connection with an Angel Exercise

When we take the time to make the connection to our breath, we will feel our Angels when they step closer towards us. We will notice the subtleties of when they are near, and how the energy may shift as they whisper in our ear. We will notice when the air around us has a slight change in temperature or when there is a soft touch on our arm.

After you have been doing the connection with your breath for a couple of days, let’s set the intention to connect with an Angel.

Start as you did previously:

  • Find a comfortable location and close your eyes.
  • Notice your breathing, not changing it, just noticing.
  • After several moments, consciously take a deeper breath in, hold for a few counts, and then exhale.
  • Place your hand on your heart and continue to notice your breath.

Imagine an Angel, the most beautiful Angel you have ever seen, sits down beside you. You notice everything about this Angel, its color, if it has a scent, if it has wings. Notice the color of the wings and if they shine. Is the Angel talking? You notice all of these things in an instant.

As the angle sits down, you also notice a shift in your breathing—your breath seems to be much deeper than it had been. You feel as if your whole body is relaxed that much more into the chair you are sitting in. You realize it is now matching the energy of the Angel.

The energy surrounding you seems to feel calmer and more peaceful since you noticed the Angel.

Sit with the Angel in this peace, without having to do anything. Just be in this peace. Notice the feeling within your body. It is as if every cell within has just slowed down to a calm knowing and at the same time you are feeling energized and cleansed. Just be in this feeling.

Your experience may be different, and it may differ each time you do this exercise. What you experience with the Angel sitting next to you—in this moment—is right, for you.

Sit with the Angel as long as you would like. You may notice images coming to you, or feelings or information while you are sitting with the Angel. The more often you share your time with the Angel, the more images and information you may receive.

When you are ready, thank the Angel for spending time with you. Thank the Angel for any information it may have shared with you.

Focus once again on your breathing, just noticing without changing, for another moment or so.

Smile, open your eyes and have a beautiful day. Angel blessings to you.

I hope these easy breathing exercises have helped you connect. If you’d like assistance with connecting to Angels or any aspect of your spiritual journey, please reach out to me.

About Sue Broome

Sue Broome is an intuitive soul healer. She works with the Angels in guiding others on their spiritual journey, with tools of empowerment. Sue works with groups for workshops or individuals in private healing sessions.

She teaches how to connect with Loved Ones through her book, Signs From Your Loved Ones and a free mini-course, Memories shared with your Loved Ones.

Instagram: @SueBroome44
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