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7 Reasons to Follow the Moon’s Cycle

moonBy Pamela Olivia Brown

The cycles of the moon and how the mind works are closely related. Following the moon’s cycle can be helpful to determine mental wellbeing: what we focus on, why particular emotions arise, and how to engage with them.

The moon is powerful. Our ancestors followed the moon because it foretold when to plant seeds, the coming of rain, and times to harvest crops. The moon also guided them to locations rich with flora and fauna. In short, following the moon’s cycle guided earlier people to abundance.

Many women track the moon’s cycle to be in tune with their menstrual cycles, understand their emotions during the day, and determine how to engage with other people. The moon’s cycle continues to be vital in Earth-based spirituality because following it signifies the ebb and flow of intuition, gives a timetable for energy work, and shows us how to be in harmony with our surroundings throughout the year.

Astrologers use the moon to explain how the mind works during each lunar cycle. Further, because of the relationship between the moon and other planets, issues like depression, anxiety, and fear can be addressed from an astrological perspective. Below are seven reasons to follow the moon’s cycle:

1. The Mind
The moon represents the mind. It signifies our mental state, awareness, and how we think of ourselves. A Leo moon is creative and loves to be seen. They may be good at cooking, sewing, or acting. A healthy Leo moon will show the world how good they are in some way. An imbalanced moon may withdraw from social interaction.

2. Emotions and Mood
The Earth’s water is affected by the moon. Because our minds and bodies are 60 to 75% water, we experience “tides” internally like waves on the beach. Emotions may be balanced when the moon is new, but fluctuations may occur, on the heightened level, as the moon is full. Historically, the word “lunatic” was derived from someone being profoundly affected by the moon. From a different perspective, any odd behavior can be seen as an effect between the natal and transiting moon.

3. Intuition
We are capable of communicating with the natural and spirit worlds with our minds. We receive messages in the form of feelings, visions, signs, and symbols. Information is filtered through our logical and intuitive mind simultaneously. We will “feel” whether or not something or someone is right for us. This can be developed further by setting intentions during the new moon to strengthen one or all spiritual abilities.

4. Shadow Work
We tap into our subconscious mind through meditation, dreams, and creative self-expression. As we are focused on creating or in a deeply relaxed state, issues that need to be addressed in one’s waking life will surface. This may be more prominent between the new and full moon phases because the energy is the strongest. Being more aware of when in the moon’s cycle this occurs, as well as the zodiac sign, can help heal the shadow.

5. Self-Care
The zodiac sign Cancer is ruled by the moon. It represents the part of us that is nurturing, protective, and sensitive. Fundamentally, all moon signs have this quality and the natal moon builds on top of that characteristic. From there we can learn why we care in the ways in which we do. As the moon transits each sign during the 28-day cycle, we can develop an awareness about how to care for ourselves.

6. Relating to Others
We do not have to be aware of everyone’s moon sign, only our own. Understanding our own strengths and challenges during the lunar cycle can help us become more compassionate towards others because they are also affected by the moon’s energy.

7. Building Your Business
Spirit-based entrepreneurs use the moon’s cycle to track the increase and decrease of sales. This can be indicative of the mental and emotional energy of established and potential clients, as well as intuitive guidance about when to start new projects or when to cut back. Relationships between the moon and other planets create further understanding about shifts in the internal and external world.

Following the moon’s cycle is beneficial to all because it helps us to understand how the mind works. We do not need to worship the moon’s every transit by degree during the cycle but cultivating a basic relationship can liberate us from suffering.

About Pamela Brown
Pamela Olivia Brown is a spirit and healing medium, former practitioner of paganism, and certified as a Vedic astrologer. She connects to the angelic realms, ascended masters, and departed loved ones during readings to help people align with their soul’s desires.

