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Falling in Love with The Goddess in the Mirror

By Michele Landers

GoddessRemember the song by Helen Reddy called “I Am Woman”? As women, we can do anything. We can have babies, and we feed them. We are strong; just ask any woman who is raising children on her while working a full-time job, and perhaps even taking care of aging parents.

We are strong when we think we have no strength left. We don’t break, we bend. We are the lioness defending her pride. We invented the phrase “multi-tasking,” and we have little time to whine about life’s injustices or complain about what could have or should have been. We are the gatherers of information, and we do it all, making it seems so effortless.

“Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.”—Faith Whittlesey

But how many of us are actually in love with who we truly are? Who of us is truly in love with the goddess in the mirror?

Are You Truly Aware of Your Goddess Divinity?
Even nature is conceived as female. Think “Mother Nature.” The word “nature” in its original Latin (natura) meant “birth.” Which is to say: to ask the “nature” of something is to ask how it was born—how it relates to the feminine. Literally and metaphorically, women define nature and the world.

“If there is one flaw in women, they forget their worth and how remarkable they are.” —Anonymous poet

We are Rosie the Riveter. We are goddesses: Demeter, the Goddess of earth and fertility, and Aphrodite, the Goddess of beauty and love, all wrapped up into one modern-day woman.

So, if you are a woman, congratulations! And yet sadly, despite all this independence and fiery determination, many of us aren’t aware of our Goddess Divinity or what that even means. You may not know it, but you belong to a divinely inspired, exclusive Goddess sorority.

Goddess Divinity is experiencing the spiritual aspect of your feminine and divine nature that is your birthright. This divine birthright predisposes you to remarkable wisdom and talents. But you must step into this extraordinary power—to own it, and above all, honor it.

How Can We Fall in Love with Our Divine Nature?
One of the ways to do honor to your divine nature is through ceremony. One ceremony that I perform at my “Goddess in the Mirror Workshops” is what I call a marriage ceremony.

“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.”—Byron Katie

Why are marriage ceremonies so important? The ritual of a marriage ceremony makes a powerful statement of our commitment to love. Is not our commitment to love ourselves equally or more important than to love another?
If you want to make a powerful statement about your readiness to fall in love with yourself, then you must first and ceremoniously commit yourself to yourself. Your willingness to take such a strong stand will create miracles in all areas of your life and will initiate you into a new way of being. I promise!

A Sacred Self-Love Ceremony You Can Do Right Now
The following is a simple yet profound ceremony. You will need some time alone, something wonderful to wear, a candle, flowers, paper or journal and a pen, a mirror, music for a “first dance song,” celebratory food and drink (a glass of wine or grape juice is fine), and anything else you would like to include. So, here are the sacred steps:

1. Light a candle and say a brief prayer. I say the words, “Divine Spirit of All There Is, please fill this place with your sacred presence. Support me in my efforts to express my love for myself. Help me see my own divinity. Amen.”

2. Sit down and meditate on all your positive qualities. Don’t be shy!

3. See your “self” standing in front of you. What endearing words do you have to say to you?

4. Write down three (or more) vows that are personally meaningful to you. Here are some ways that come to mind: “I will promise to love myself through all time… I promise to love myself so that I can more fully receive the love of others… I adore the way I feel when I am with ME.”

5. When you feel ready, look into the mirror and connect with your own eyes and read the vows to yourself. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you can transcend that. Know that your vows of self-love will send a powerful message to the universe!

6. Now celebrate your union with yourself with a sip of wine or other beverage. You are marrying “The Love of your Life’—YOU. Play a piece of music that celebrates this union and dance, sing, be joyous… and feel the love!

So, take some time for yourself right now, and give yourself permission to fall in love with the goddess in the mirror—YOU!
(And if you’d like a copy of the ceremony certificates I use at my workshops, please feel free to contact me at

About Michele Landers
Michele Landers is a board-certified Life Purpose Coach, a certified Hypnotherapist, a professional Numerologist, and the author of The Tao of Numbers and The Year of Living Miraculously. She is a dynamic and gifted lecturer, teacher, author, and consultant on the subjects of Personal Empowerment, the Law of Attraction, and Numerology.
Recognized and highly regarded as an authority in her field, Michele has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs and was a featured Life Coach on Fox 29’s South Florida Today with Shannon Cake. Michele can often be seen on NBC’s WPTV “5 at 11.”
She is a sought-after media personality and speaker who has helped thousands of clients gain clarity and direction in their lives and has helped them discover their own unique talents. Her books, The Tao of Numbers and The Year of Living Miraculously are both informative and entertaining.
Michele is available for speaking engagements, interviews, and workshops.
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Michele’s Enlightened World Network YouTube Channel is called Divinely Inspired ~ By the Numbers. You can find it at: