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Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Valued: Your People are Waiting

By Cynthia Stott

Are you growing a business that’s based on your Passion Work?  Do you love what you do and want more people to know about you and your work?

Here’s a secret, you have to be willing to be seen and heard so that people can see your value. Standing up and sharing about you and your precious gifts takes a lot of courage.

Courage to be seen as the expert that you are, without shrinking back when you hear, “Who do you think you are?” even if – or maybe especially if – it is coming from a voice inside your head. Maybe you heard it as a kid, and now that tape keeps on running.

You can find courage when you follow these simple steps: Value Yourself, Shift Your Mindset and Grow Your Roots. Then you will be Seen, be Heard, and be Valued.

Value Yourself First
The world needs the unique gift of your expertise, the thing that you bring to the world like no one else can. But the trick is, you have to see your value first. No one else will value you and your gifts if you don’t. You can hire the best marketer, work with the best technical team, have a great social media campaign…But if you don’t know your value, no one else will.

Shift Your Mindset
Being seen, heard and valued starts with valuing yourself. That’s why when I work with my clients, whether it’s on their speeches, virtual programs or social media, I always start with their mindset first, shifting into these “foundational” beliefs:
• I freely give and receive unconditional joyous love.
• I am worthy.
• I am valued.

Grow Your Roots to Stretch More
The next “stretch” in valuing yourself comes with stepping out and being seen and heard more. Ever notice how it’s easy to end up hiding under the covers after you have really stepped out and been seen? Maybe you won an award or completed a big project, and suddenly all you want to do is hide or maybe you even get sick.

The good news is that it gets better. However, every time you stretch to be seen and heard, you have to reach deeper into valuing yourself. Like a tree stretching its branches to the sunlight, your roots need to go deeper to support your stretch. Value yourself more, love yourself more and you will be able to stretch and grow, being seen and heard and attracting those people you are meant to serve most.

Exercise to Connect with the Wisdom of Your Heart
Here’s an exercise you can use before (and after) your next big stretch. It will “grow your roots” so you can safely and more comfortably stretch into being seen and heard more:

Sit in a comfortable chair with arms that will hold you, or lie down.
Close your eyes.
Gently place your hand on the center of your chest.
Breathe in and out straight through the palm of your hand three times.
Lovingly have a talk with your heart, saying, “I love you. I value you.”
Wait for your heart’s response.
Ask your heart, “What do you want?”
Listen for its answer; it may surprise you!
Wait and listen for its answer. Breathe.
Continue the conversation with your heart for as long as you wish.
Thank your heart. Breathe in and out three times.

You can also ask, “How can I be seen and heard more?” or “How can I value myself more?” Your heart may surprise you with its answers and even inspire you with more ways to be seen and heard.

Follow these simple steps Value Yourself, Shift Your Mindset and Grow Your Roots and you will be Seen, be Heard, and be Valued. Use them whether you’re speaking one-on-one, from the stage or over the internet, TV, radio, podcasts, telesummits, etc. Follow them, and you will be asked to speak and be seen and heard again and again. You will also allow others to see your True Value.

About Cynthia Stott
Cynthia Stott is an International Speaker Coach, Global Visibility Influencer and best-selling author. She overcame 5 strong phobias, including speaking and visibility. She works with Lightworkers, entrepreneurs, and others with a calling laid on their Heart, to call forth their message and share it with the world through speaking, creating online programs, and social media.

Spirituality and connection to the Divine are her deepest values and how she has grown her business and global reach to over 30,000 followers in more than 140 countries. She believes you can get paid well for doing what you love, no matter what that is, even building sandcastles.

Cynthia believes that Your People are WAITING for YOU! In fact, they are probably praying for someone just like you.


