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What are 4 Signs that You are A Lightworker?

by Rebecca Abraxas

It'saWonderfulLifeWe hear the term lightworker often. I have recently been referred to as a lightworker, given the work that I do, and that it is of service. At first, I didn’t know what it really was to be a lightworker, but while I was feeling into what it is, I was recently asked by Ruth Anderson, the founder of Enlightened World, to write this article. It seemed like the perfect time to tune in and see what I know about this topic.

After asking some questions and sitting in meditation, here is what came to me. There are definite signs, so, what are the most important signs that you are a lightworker?

Lightworkers Spread Light and Love
All humans who embody have an embodiment process, an awakening process, and an ascension process. At a certain stage in the ascension process, humans have a choice whether or not to step into lightwork. Every human will have a moment in his or her beingness to make this choice.

Lightworkers come from many different backgrounds, but the key component is their sense of purpose and an unwavering desire to spread light and love. I believe lightworkers are the helpers on the planet who have awakened to realize this mission.

Lightworkers Tame Their Egos
In this day and age, we have a lot of people interested in spirituality, awakening, and ascension. However, this does not make someone a lightworker. Lightworkers are at a stage in their development where their egos are not running the show and can love unconditionally.

A true test happens when people come up against hardship and challenging times that wreak havoc on their lives. A lightworker will ultimately find the situation an opportunity to expand the light within and send it to the person or situation. Others may let it contract them, or they retaliate, or they use their stories for personal egoic gain.

It is an important question to ask, “Am I using spirituality for my personal gain and glory?” There is nothing to be ashamed of here. Spiritual ego is nothing more than ego finding a place to take credit.

The more someone develops a witness body, the more that person can see this sneaky part of themselves. The more someone goes from embodiment to awakening, the more that person can begin to humble by calming the ego down. Once the ego is calmed, the mission of a lightworker can take place.

Lightworkers don’t have to have the persona of a psychic, guru, or spiritual teacher, although some of them are these things. Lightworkers can take the role of healer, but just the same can be parents, performers, or nurses. The actual role is not important, but the beingness and choice a person makes and how they navigate through life is what makes a lightworker.

Lightworkers Live from their Light Bodies
Lightworkers live consciously from moment to moment. They have a high-level witness body that keeps them aware of when they are not coming from the light body. They are willing to make adjustments and life choices that are conscious and for the highest good.

In yoga therapy, there is a map called the Five Koshas. In this map, there are five bodies of our humanness that we get to play in. They are:
• Physical,
• Energetic,
• Emotional/ mental,
• Witness/intuition, and
• Light/bliss.

The map is a tool to learn how to feel, see, and sense our separation from the light body. Our witness/intuition will let us know when we have the perspective of separation.

If we are unaware of that information, then our thoughts and emotions start to rev up and give us louder information that we are not living from our light body. If that is not heard, the energy body lets us know through our breath and inner energetic system, such as our meridians.

Finally, if that warning is not heard, then a physical symptom is manifested in the body for us to take heed of it.

It is my point of view that lightworkers are practiced at this map, whether they know the map or not. They live from their light bodies often, and when they are pulled from them, they hear the information loud and clear. They know how to access their light bodies quickly again so to continue to offer the light.

Getting fluent at this practice can happen within a lifetime or, more often, over many lifetimes. The time it takes is about choice and awareness.

Lightworkers Grow their Awareness
Once a being comes to make the choice to be of service from the light, awareness grows. From choice comes awareness, then possibility, then choice again back to awareness and more possibility.

This is a process of waking up to the subtle awareness that presents itself. It requires deep listening. The voice of the light body is subtle. There is no agenda or ego. It is not going to be loud and demanding. It is a voice of detached possibility and a whisper of choice.

If someone is listening deeply, they can feel, see, and sense the difference. Lightworkers are good listeners of this whisper.

This is what I have come to know about lightwork. My point of view is that, first and foremost, lightworkers are working the light in their own lives. They are doing the daunting work of taming the ego, growing allowance, and becoming more sensitive to awareness.

They are finding the shadows in the subconscious and releasing its grip on them so the light can come forth more and more. As a result, they become a beacon of light for others. A lightworker is one who has done the arduous work to become an avatar of light for the awakening and expansion of the universe.

Spreading light and love, taming the ego, living from the light body, and continually growing awareness are the four most important signs that you are a lightworker. Do you see these in you or someone you know?

About Rebecca Abraxas
Rebecca Abraxas is a practicing Holy Fire 3 and Holy Fire 3 Karuna Reiki Master and vocal sound healer. For the past 25 years, she has been a wellness practitioner who coaches and inspires people to be the best version of themselves through a variety of modalities. Rebecca also has spent many years as a positive musician and performer. Using her music background, Rebecca has found that music and end-of-life work to be very complimentary, which led her to do music programs for seniors in health care facilities for the past 20 years. In her most recent role as an Arbonne Consultant, she weaves her wellness and coaching background into helping people find health inside and out. All these hats have been deeply guided and supported through Rebecca’s spiritual practice over the years with her deep connection to source, yoga, and Reiki.

Facebook: @reikivoicecoachingandhealing