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Finding the Peace Within: Unlock Your Heart to Divine Love

by Debbie N. Goldberg

The Key to Peace is unlocking your Heart and it takes Divine Love to learn how to open and heal.

Our world feels chaotic to many people right now.  We feel it in our families, communities and within our selves. Ever since the advent of the internet and instant data sharing technology we now all collectively experience trauma from: illness, natural disasters, crime, terrorism, war, social conflicts each and every day in a way that all of the previous generations of humankind never witnessed before.  If one doesn’t have some form of emotional counterbalance, a source of internal peace and light, the world can be a terrifying place. We never were exposed to so much information before.

The key to Peace is unlocking your heart. Our world feels chaotic to many people right now. We feel it in our families, communities and within our selves.

I’m not saying that the internet is bad, at times it is quite a helpful resource, but we are bombarded with information that can create trauma as well. We each have a need for safety and security and we try to achieve this through physical and emotional avenues. We look for comfort through our careers, home, and our material possessions. We look to the people we love to bring us security and self-confidence, hoping against hope that all we surround our self with will bring us a sense of inner peace and contentment.

We question why or how did something happen and find that there seems to be no real answers, and we become stuck trying to make sense of it all rather than accepting what is. Not accepting what is-creates feelings of suffering.

I have spent my whole life depending on my job, finances, family, friends and what I acquired to keep me secure, and through this I have learned many lessons. One of them is that safety, love, and peace, are created within.

… and through this I have learned many lessons. One of them is that safety, love, and peace, are created within.

My main goal was to always feel safe and loved. Growing up I learned that I could not count on my family to feel safe and loved. They took care of my physical needs, food and shelter (and I realize that this is far more than many people receive from their family) all of which creates a certain degree of safety, but not all that I really needed.  I certainly did not feel peace.

At age 18, I had my own apartment but really had nothing else, including food. I had wonderful friends who fed me and got me through. At age 22 I married and built a life with my first husband.  We had two beautiful children, a home and owned a jewelry store, but I still didn’t feel safe, loved or peaceful.

At 34, after I had a powerful Divine dream that laid out my life and what I was to do for a career.  I divorced, leaving our home, jewelry store, and all of my so-called security behind.  As I began to rebuild my life I started to realize that I am being guided, and that there is a plan or purpose for me, that I was not alone.

Yet, at the same time, my whole life as I knew it was being dismantled.  The stress, anxiety, and fear of letting go and not knowing how to cope with these changes was overwhelming.  I didn’t know how to deal with my feelings that got triggered due to the changes and the transitions.  I didn’t know how to be a good mom or alone in the midst of the turmoil that was brought on by my choices.

I was completely unhinged and at the same time excited for my new life.  The source of this excitement was the power behind the Divine dream.  I funneled all the accumulated fear, worry, anger, stress, and disappointment within me into working three jobs to support my family while attending college full-time.

I smoked pot every night for a few years to put myself to sleep because I was exhausted from all of the physical, mental and emotional work. I had no idea how to balance myself or how to self-nurture. Every free moment was taken up with work, school, my children (which I loved), or going dancing with my girlfriends as a way to disconnect from myself.  In retrospect, I can now see that I crammed my day and nights so full of ‘doing’ to avoid having any quiet time alone that would force me to deal with the accumulated heartbreak, loss, grief, shame, guilt and emptiness that was suppressed within. It was easier to distract myself from the huge bomb that was ticking inside me, but still, it was my choice to change my life.

I had no idea how to balance myself or how to self-nurture. Every free moment was taken up with work, school, my children, or going dancing with my girlfriends to disconnect from myself.

What is interesting is that by following the dream, everything eventually fell into place. Upon completion of a bachelor’s and master’s degree, I finally found a career that I loved, and a man that I adore. Our home life became more stable as I followed my purpose, and my income increased.

I transitioned again, at age 56.  I was spiritually awoken by Jesus and taught God’s wisdom and Universal Love. It changed my life forever and eventually I finally followed a passion of mine. I left a thriving business that I enjoyed to move to Florida, a place that I always dreamed about. Again, the Divine showed me that it was time for another major shift in my life.  It was a shift that caused me to grow in such an expansive way that it forever changed me to the core. I gave up my practice, and left friends and family for something else that I knew was going to exponentially increase my fulfillment and purpose in life.  The cost, however, was that all of the heartache, loss, grief, pain, abuse, aloneness, shame, guilt and faulty beliefs that I had experienced in life, had to be exhumed, examined and released, before I could be free of them and healed forever. As I emptied myself with the help of Divine Love it opened me up to receive remarkable gifts of Divine wisdom that pour through me daily.

I made choices in my life and I was willing to pay the physical and emotional price.  But what happens when we don’t choose change or transition and we get ambushed by life?  How do we cope? I know I didn’t cope well during many periods of my life and it took a toll on my children and myself.

I made choices in my life and I was willing to pay the physical and emotional price. But what happens when we don’t choose change or transition and we get ambushed by life? How do we cope?

The truth is that we are going to experience change whether we want it or not. Nothing stays the same. We are going to be challenged throughout this life to go through all different types of experiences, relationships and events.  The purpose of these challenges is to allow us to Spiritually awaken. Some of these experiences will be joyful and wonderful, but what do you do when they are not?

This kind of Spiritual personal growth is not going to stop. We are always getting pushed out of our comfort zone to provide us with opportunities to awaken, grow and evolve. We like being in our comfort zone but the truth is that when we’re there, we typically stop growing. We are in Spiritual life school, and we need to feed our mind, our Spirit and our body. We are always going to face conflicts, contrasts, and challenges. It’s all Spiritually purposeful and orchestrated specifically for

We are always going to face conflicts, contrasts, and challenges. It’s all Spiritually purposeful and orchestrated specifically for us.

What do you do when your world and your life seem to be in chaos and you don’t even know where to start? Many of us do what I did.  They just keep going and doing without stopping to feel their feelings and bring peace, love, and balance back to their lives.  Others become paralyzed and do nothing. They become trapped inside their minds and engage in an endless cycle of ‘analysis paralysis’ desperately trying to find the most logical and least painful way out of their predicament.  Some become so paralyzed that they are completely unable to get anything started or finished.

All we want is peace, safety, security, and love, but it keeps eluding us. We feel like we are suffering and that life is a struggle full of loss and grief. This is called victim consciousness.

The truth is that struggle, suffering and insecurity are all a matter of perspective. We can change our perspectives at any time. It is a choice how we are viewing our selves and our life’s circumstances. We can choose a perspective that brings us peace, contentment and gratitude, or we can stay in a place of fear and grief.

Individually, it is up to you to make this shift.  It is important to understand that you have choices. You have options. It all starts with your mindset. You are never stuck. That is an illusion from the ego that makes you feel that you are trapped at times, but there is no truth to that thought. It is irrational.

I realize that some of you may be thinking: ‘That may be easy for her to say.  It doesn’t sound as though she’s facing the same kind of obstacles that I am. Simply changing my perspective on things isn’t going to put a roof over my head, or feed my children.’

I understand your concerns. I want to assure you, that when you go within and listen you will hear the quiet voice of love, peace and wisdom, your Creator. It is always waiting to help you understand that you are not alone and you have guidance 24-7. In fact, you have a life script that needs to be fulfilled. It is your Divine path. It is your Spiritual task to get in alignment with this life script.

We need to give up the idea that we have to do everything by our selves and that we have to figure out life on our own.  As long as you maintain this belief, you will not have any peace or contentment in your heart or mind. The only real certainty we have in our life is God, or whatever you call the source of unconditional Divine love and truth. When we learn to trust this we stop looking for others to rescue us and learn that all of life is in Divine order (even when it looks like chaos) and that means eternal love, security and protection.

The only real certainty we have in our life is God, the source of unconditional Divine love and truth. When we learn to trust this we stop looking for others to rescue us and learn that all of life is in Divine order (even when it…

It takes patience, practice, and time to change the behaviors and beliefs that are entrenched within us, but you can start right now and feel the effects. Balancing your mind, body, and Spirit is actually easy to do; but you need quiet time.

Here are some ways I do this:
Deep breathing, meditating, prayer (I ask all the time for what I need or want), writing (journaling), dancing, swimming, yoga, engaging in hobbies or any creative project.

The deep breathing and meditation is key. I have found that it has not only allowed me to find the peace within me, but it has been healing my body of chronic medical conditions such as psoriasis, liver disease, and generalized pain.

I believe that meditation is changing me on a cellular level. It brings me clarity and, above all, it opens the door to connection with our Creator, who is the true healer. It is Divine Therapy.  When I meditate, great love and joy flows into my heart and then back out into the world.

When I meditate, great love and joy flows into my heart and then back out into the world.

Let’s take a moment to try an exercise. I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath…in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Take another deep, soothing breath. I want you to focus on your heart right now and see it opening up and expanding to allow love and wisdom to flow.
Take another breath and continue to open your heart space. Now I want you to ask inside yourself, what can I do to bring more peace to my life?  Quietly listen for an answer to float up within you. Listen with your heart, your inner ear. Don’t have any expectations of what you will hear. This answer is always truthful and loving. If you didn’t hear anything, take another breath, open your heart space and ask again.  I want you to write down whatever you heard. Keep repeating this exercise until you hear something. Don’t worry, it will come.

I ask you, did what you hear from within bring you a moment of peace?  Was it reassuring to know that this clarity, wisdom and love are living within you, just waiting for you to discover and call upon them? Experiencing this for your self, is the best teacher.

Debbie N. Goldberg:
A Divinely Ordered Life book series on Amazon