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5 tips to Survive the Holiday Party Season

By Rebecca Abraxas

We have all experienced the holidays with their celebrations and outward frolic.  FUN RIGHT?

Actually, for a lot of us, it’s not. Have you ever felt like, “I should be into this, but I feel like a humbug?”

This may shed some light on the whole predicament and what to do to survive the holiday party season.

The biggest social time of the year lands at a time that asks you energetically to go inward.  In the animal kingdom, it’s called hibernation time. It’s the time of the Winter Solstice where all of nature goes into a rest and reset state.

All of nature rests -except most humans.  This conflicting energy of naturally wanting to go inward and being expected to be extroverted can be uncomfortable. There is also the added pressure of work and business parties you are expected to attend while your body, mind, and spirit are urging you to retreat.

5 tips to survive the holiday party season:

1-Limit your alcohol – Alcohol numbs your awareness. Your awareness is what gives you guidance—guidance of who to talk to for your next   lead. Alcohol also numbs your body cues to let you know when it has had enough and when it needs to rest. Not listening to these cues can leave you burnt out and begrudgingly going to the next party a few nights later.

2- Ground Yourself – Grounding helps you stay embodied and unaffected by the chaos around you.  It also helps you communicate clearly. Imagine an imaginary cord going from your hips to the center of the earth. Feel it rooting you to the earth and sense the heavy energy in your legs.

3- Expand outward – Expanding your energy field outward will help you feel connected to the people in the room. It will also help you not take on everyone’s feelings and emotions in the room.  The connectedness you feel will assist you in making the personal connections you may have come to the party to make in the first place.  So feel the outside of your body and imagine the energy expanding to the 4 corners of the room you are in.

4– Self Pep talk – Doing a gratitude pep talk before you go into the party can help you get into an open-hearted space that will assist you in receiving the gems the party has to offer and align you with just the right people and experiences.

5 – Respite – Take time to go inward in between the celebrating to recharge. When you get home take a candlelit bath. Be sure to sit still and quiet 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.  Tone “Ohm” for 5 minutes each day for some personal energy clearing.  Things like these will recharge you for the next event.

I’ve got more tips surviving holiday party time and for finding ease and joy with being YOU can be found on Rebecca Abraxas You Tube Channel or at

About Rebecca Abraxas
Rebecca Abraxas is a Holy Fire II Reiki Master Teacher and Karuna Master. Receiving her BS in Exercise Science and Wellness Education with Magna Cum Laude honors, Rebecca has 20 years experience teaching wellness practices to all ages. Exploring voice as a performing singer-songwriter for 20 years and becoming a certified Yoga teacher has given Rebecca the tools to assist people in awakening themselves through breath and voice. Rebecca has a private practice called Reiki and Voice, where she combines her wellness, Reiki, and voice background to assist clients in finding ease and joy with being their greatest selves physically, mentally, spiritually, and vocally. She teaches Reiki and Voice classes regularly.

Website: – She has upcoming events, classes, articles, and music, as well as information on Holy Fire Reiki on her website.
Facebook: Reiki and Voice
Twitter: Rebecca Abraxas
YouTube: Rebecca Abraxas – Rebecca also has many helpful videos on her YouTube Channel to awaken consciousness, empower your voice and learn about Reiki.