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On the Removal of Aggressive Feminism & Patriarchal Control

By Keleena Malnar

In your choice to read this article, please do so with an open mind and read it in its entirety before you are quick to step into ego judgment of what has been channeled.

In the efforts to create change upon the planet all souls agreed to everything that has happened and is happening. The masculine energy has agreed to participate in patriarchal control for ions, and the feminine energy has agreed to be suppressed. Now, however, we have been witnessing the change amongst both sides since the era when women fought for the right to vote.

Since this time, feminism around the world began to take place, and in this trial period, many of the women who agreed to be the feminists also agreed to push the limits of their own masculine energy. Unfortunately, many pushed so far as to become the ego-driven masculine energy themselves.

Most men in this same period continued their agreement of suppressing the feminine energy. However, some became the opposite—taking on too much feminine energy—and becoming suppressed as well. Unfortunately, just being in the physical male body continues the programmed beliefs in some women that all masculines are still the suppressors to this current day.

Now let us say thank you to all of the above for the roles they have played. However, it is time for the aggressive feminists who are out of balance with their divine feminine to regain their authenticity as balanced human beings, in both their masculine and feminine energy. It is just as necessary for all the men becoming the divine masculine to center themselves, remove their beliefs and programming of women to become balanced within as well. This goes both ways.

Yes, we all have worked hard in many lives to return the equilibrium of both genders upon the planet, yet remember that every soul participated in both sides, creating what we are experiencing. Now it is time to end this game, and we can only accomplish this together.

It is time to return to our truth, that all of this was to learn polarity and duality for our souls’ evolution and we are given the opportunity, with free will, to create the change. Just as it has been channeled and presented in videos regarding the aggressive masculine laying down their armor, it is time for the overly aggressive feminist and those women constantly complaining that men are not evolving to do the same. All souls must create the balance of both energies within themselves to be able to create this on Gaia. This is how it works. Look in the mirror and listen to yourself. What are you sending out to the collective consciousness?

If you wish to ascend, we must work together in love. Ego fighting has no place here any more. All genders may still push for the return of equality for women and men, however, it will be a positive change when we all agree to not blame one or the other for what has happened.

You ALL participated in this project. Now you must all use your sacred hearts to return equality, peace, and love amongst men and women in all cultures, all generations, all races, and all countries. It begins with compassion, forgiveness, and divine unconditional love whilst living from your heart.

Sisters, we see many more of you beginning to take back your freedom and claiming your sovereignty, however, using foul language in a negative, aggressive tone, building walls around your heart. Claiming that you will allow no one in keeps you in the patriarchal control game. This is your reaction from the past wounded Goddess energy. This is not the energy of the divine feminine Goddess returning to her sacred heart that only knows love, compassion, forgiveness, caring, kindness, and nurturing. Look in your heart and see the truth.

Sisters, we ask that you be careful before categorizing your brothers more with your inner programming about men restricting you or taking your rights from you. You are not, nor have ever been a victim, as you agreed to this.

Brothers who are awakening and are awake, we ask that you look within yourself at the templates you are here to break from inner programming and focus on what you know in your heart is right—to create equality for both genders.

Sisters, we also ask that you are not quick to judge when a masculine enters a room. Many men have stepped into their divine masculinity by taking on the role of single fathers. They have raised their children, becoming both mom and dad stepping into both roles. They have been the nurturer, caregiver, and faced emotions, with tears of pain and joy. For ions, they have had to suppress this within their souls through the programming of their gender as well. We welcome the divine masculine that has accepted the feminine piece of who he is, who displays his emotions, cries and wears his heart on his sleeve, yet remains balanced for his family.

We ask both men and women to not judge these men. They are not sissy, nor are they emasculated. They are balanced and have clearly created a harmony of both energies within. They are the divine masculine. Honor and respect them, for they have broken the template of patriarchal control for their family lineage and the collective.

Brothers, look up to them, learn from them, and know it is okay to shed tears and show emotions whilst still remaining of the masculine gender, that has now evolved into the divine masculine.

Sisters, honor, respect, and love your brothers who have come this far. This is what you wished to see. They are here, and you will find them when you choose to see with your open, sacred heart.

Brothers, we ask the same of you. Do not be quick to judge that every woman is needy and looking for a mate to only take care of them financially. Women have stepped into their power over the years working hard to provide for themselves and many as single mothers. Women have had to step into masculinity to be able to provide and be the nurturer and caregiver for their children as well. This has caused many to lose their divine feminine essence and protect their hearts as well as their children. They moved into their power to survive on half the earnings that a man would receive whilst also being judged by both women and men that they have broken up their family. These women too have broken the templates for their family lineage and the collective, by creating change as they chose to become single moms for many different reasons unbeknownst to the outside world.

Remember, you do not know what happens behind closed doors. Please understand their struggles of suppression and applaud their triumph, as they too have stepped into harmony balancing both roles. These women are returning to their divine feminine too, removing the armor to live from their sacred hearts after facing degradation, suppression, and daily struggle to regain equality for their gender, whilst creating change for their daughters and future generations. Brothers and sisters, honor and respect these women as they too must return to their sacred hearts to live in love.

Let us not categorize, scrutinize, or segregate the genders any more with this ridiculousness. It will never end if you do not change your thought about this particular subject within yourself. You have the power to create that which you wish to see; however, it must be done from the heart, not the ego any more and it must begin with you.

As we write this, we are reminded of those who will scrutinize what is written here because they are born physically a certain gender, yet have more of the opposite energy and do not feel this applies. It does. And to those labeling themselves as non-gender specific, it applies to you as well. All souls need to balance both their masculine and feminine energy to create harmony within to restore harmony, peace, and love upon Gaia.

We are all birthed from our creator’s love. The only way to stop the judging, suppression, labeling, arguing, segregating, fighting, inequality, bullying, abuse, etc., is to return to love. With this said, aggressive feminists and aggressive patriarchal controller role players, it is time to stand equally, eye to eye, heart to heart. The game is over.

Take a look within your sacred heart and see the truth. The patriarchal game pulled you deceivingly into manipulation and veiled you into the lies of separation. This is no longer acceptable. It is time for all souls as divine feminine and divine masculine to live from their sacred hearts, take back their power, and claim their sovereignty, to create change in love, in UNITY.

We are one, we always have been and always will be.
In Divine Love & Grace,
Keleena Malnar

About Keleena Malnar

Keleena’s purpose, as a spiritual teacher in service, is to teach and assist humanity through their ascension process. Speaking all of the Universal Light Languages (languages of love), Keleena is a key code activator here to activate all souls through their DNA at a cellular level, collectively or privately for each individual’s specific needs.

As a way-shower for ascension, she helps move you from the conditioned ego, merging the sacred masculine mind with the sacred feminine heart in divine union. She guides you to live passionately as your authentic self, from your Sacred Heart, in your highest truth, wisdom, and grace.

Keleena helps elicit her clients’ natural healing abilities for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physiological healing. Her guides have given her the title of a Quantum Energy Healer and refer to her as “One who knows the Power of the Heart.” As a High Priestess she is an initiator and activator of the Sisters of the Rose of the Order of the Magdalen. Her collective work is to assist all God’s children in their ascension process by moving them from their deepest fears into love.

Some of her other abilities are as a Trance Medium Channeler with the gift of all six senses. She is also a Reiki Master & Teacher, Shamanic sound healer through light language vibrations in vocalization, a psychic, a clear conduit and channel for Source, and she feels her abilities are unlimited. She conducts workshops and retreats on ascension, sacred heart, and light language. She is also a spiritual intuitive energy artist, a writer of divine guidance, poetry, prose, and inspirational quotes, and loves spiritual photography.

Keleena has vowed to use her gifts in the highest honor, love, and light for all from pure heart. Her greatest desire is to see all people collectively stand in unity, in love, and in the Oneness that we all are.


YouTube: Keleena Malnar

Instagram: keleenaloves

Facebook:  Keleena Malnar

and Keleena Malnar-Sacred Heart Ascension