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Relationships – Mirror Reflections

by Debbie N. Goldberg

Everything in this world is a reflection of your internal dynamic; your conscious and unconscious thoughts and beliefs. All of the people that surround you in your life and in the world are really just a product of the ego’s miraculous ability to project images. This is part of the incarnation experience and God’s way of teaching you to learn how to love and accept yourself and others while at the same time coming to understand your True Divine nature and all of the diverse cast of characters (aspects) that create your persona. Each person in your life is a projection from/of your own mind to help you interact with and see all aspects of self in order to heal the judgement and division of diversity within one self; to expand your awareness of your capacity to love. You can liken this to how people distinguish between a shadow side and the light or darkness and light. There is only One Light, One Consciousness, One Energy. All of this life experience is designed and guided by God or whatever you call our Creator; it is meant to be fun.

This diverse cast of characters (your aspects) dominate and control most of your thought processes in a variety of different ways. In an unawakened state you are generally unaware of the enormous amount of aspect-driven mind chatter that is constantly running through your mind battling for control. When you awaken, you are able to take a calm step backward and simply witness the thought process rather than being dominated or affected by it. As a witness, you come to understand that all of these thoughts are an illusion from ego, generationally transmitted faulty beliefs and wounded voices from your past experiences that are steeped in fear, scarcity and judgment. We call this victim consciousness. In an unawakened state you are constantly judging what is right and wrong, good and evil. In an awakened state you are simply a non-judgmental witness and with much practice and Divine guidance you can look upon your diverse self and this world with love, knowing that Love is all that exists.

Everyone in your life is there to help you see the different aspects of your nature. This is done through a dynamic process that we/I refer to as ‘mirroring.’ Each person that you encounter is showing you (mirroring) one or more of your own aspects. Most of these aspects are hidden away deep inside you. You can think of these hidden aspects as your ‘shadow side,’ those parts of you that the ego hides away because it judges them to be unworthy or not good enough through a lens of shame and or guilt. When all of these parts of you are hidden away by your judgmental ego you are unwittingly controlled by the thoughts and judgments that they generate. When you are under the influence of your ‘shadow side’ you are unable to witness and understand yours or others true Divine nature. The ego can become appalled witnessing others behavior because it cannot see itself or the distorted creations it made. Through relationships with others, you get a front row seat to yourself or lessons to learn about unconditional love through expanding your heart, mind, perspective, compassion and Oneness; and most importantly, remembering to laugh.

This mirroring process is taking place so that you can constantly be given opportunities to awaken, heal and embrace those hidden or suppressed aspects that long to be noticed and integrated. They need to be rescued from the exile that they have been living in, acknowledged and validated as welcomed parts of self. The opportunities for healing are enormous. Each of us has a shadowside, the parts of us that we believe are hurt, sad, angry, negative or not good enough. Once we become attuned to the mirroring process and how it works, we have unlimited opportunities to heal all of these hidden, faulty beliefs about ourselves with Divine Truth. That Truth comes through God’s Love and Wisdom and He awakens you at the perfect time when you are ready to open, listen and receive it.

God wants to share every moment with you in an intimate relationship of One, teaching you the Truth about yourself; your Divine perfection in every way. Invite Love in so you can understand that you are not broken, nor a set of fragmented aspects. You are not unworthy or incomplete. Your Divinity provides you your wholeness. You are not the judgmental mind-chatter. You are a whole, completely integrated being, perfect in every way…and that perfection, in and as God, is your natural state.

You cannot see your wholeness simply by observing the different aspects that you might see at any given moment. You need to see your wholeness through your Divine nature, for it was Divine Love, your Creator, that gave you these aspects to help you develop your own individual persona for living life within this physical virtuality reality called earth. Only God can teach you how to fully understand your experience, the beauty of your wholeness…the beauty of your Holiness for He is living through you as you. You are Creation. You are the Creator and its creation as Consciousness.

When we understand the dynamic that everyone we encounter is acting as a mirror showing us the details and perspectives of our own inner world, it enables us to see and understand our true self…that we are a completely whole and perfectly integrated being founded in God.

Every person we meet is the face of God. Each person appears to be different…different in size, shape, color, etc., but the differences are only superficial. Our goal is to see each person as the face of God, completely whole, completely holy, and being Divinely developed, awakened and nurtured at their own and God’s pace, like a character in a book or screenplay. Through this understanding we can fully appreciate each person’s individual journey, as well as your own.

Relationships are God’s gift. They are a wonderful way to teach us about the meaning of unconditional love, of acceptance of others, and of yourself. Each person you meet is your brother or sister connected to you and in complete Oneness with you as God Consciousness. Each person has their own unique story and their own Diving calling. Aside from that, we are all the same light of love, sharing the same faulty ego beliefs and having the same aspects. We may look completely different, but we are all One. We are all brothers and sisters as Divine Love here on earth. There is no separation. Everyone’s goal is to ‘consciously’ return Home so that we may be Divinely prepared to play out the Divine role that we were created to play…bringing Heaven to earth in our own special way under the protection and guidance of God.

Example of my learning about the mirror concept – Journal entry 4/30/16 – The Pool of Reflection with Jesus

Deb: From what I remember of our discussion last night is that everything externally is a projection of me internally. I struggle understanding that if I am peaceful inside and Brian (my husband) gets angry, how am I projecting that?

Jesus: Debbie, I know this is hard to understand and it is okay, it will come to you in time.

Deb: Are they just old emotions in me or frustrations I have during the day that are manifesting in Brian, the dog, the world, etc?

Jesus: Sort of and no. Let me try to explain. It is similar to looking into a pool of water and seeing your reflection. Whatever your emotion is, you will see or who you are at that moment you will see in others. We have mixed emotions often so you will see a variety of your emotions in others. When you wake up in the morning, and even though you are in a good mood or peaceful there is an undercurrent of worry happening within, such as, what type of mood Brian is going to be in and yes, you are looking at him seeing that he is distant and detached at times, but so are you. For example, when you are together you can get distracted with your phone, so you are doing the same. You cannot change him, per say, but you can recalibrate and be loving and present so you are not distracting yourself from the uncomfortable feeling of detachment that you see or feel at the moment. That is what you do when you are uncomfortable. You pull away because that’s what you are used to doing to not deal with Brian’s frustration, which is your own frustration too.

Deb: But isn’t that denying my own true feelings of sadness, aloneness and frustration of watching his pain and what he is doing to himself? I feel helpless.

Jesus: The only thing you can do is have compassion through the eyes of love, otherwise you are reacting and allowing Brian’s behavior to shift you which then shows up as a projection of how you are feeling inside, which is typically negative about him being or appearing angry. Stop allowing Brian’s fears or behaviors rob you of your happiness. You need to clear yourself when you witness uncomfortable behavior by reconnecting to Me and remembering the Truth of who the both of you are. Brian is on his own journey and it may not look like it, but he is working hard to understand and shift himself. Brian’s lesson is about faith and so is yours. Have faith that your prayers are getting answered. Seeing Brian as perfect no matter what he does or speaks helps you shift and grow; you would only be judging yourself in the moment. We need to move towards acceptance of your feelings and processing them with love and without blame.

Deb: I get upset when he swears at the dog, although, I know it can be annoying. Are these things not to bother me?

Jesus: If they are bothering you, you are sitting in judgment. You are not responsible for his feelings and actions. Do you see that he is being judgmental of the dog? You are judging Brian, this is a mirror reflection. We want to practice not being judgmental, fearful or detached while God is working in both of your hearts developing and awakening you to a higher consciousness. Brian is being challenged by a fear around money and you are doing a better job trying to be faithful with that. Debbie, understand that it is his emotions and behaviors you want to change so that you are more comfortable emotionally. If you are truly at peace, you don’t need to change his actions because you are not uncomfortable. When you become emotionally or physically uncomfortable then the projection starts from you because you believe something is wrong or a problem and therefore another story is created. We don’t want to feel that we need to change people because they make us uncomfortable. We want to get better at taking responsibility, nurturing, accepting and loving ourselves regardless of how we feel or what we do. When you allow and accept your whole self as perfection and without judgment you allow others to be themselves. God takes care of all the rest and makes corrections as needed. This concept takes a lot of time and practice to understand and integrate.

©Debbie N. Goldberg
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